初二英语词组,句型整理?我现在初二了,要期末考了,所以我想知道词组和句型的用法之类的.比如说,help sb.tell sb+?remember+?So I do,So do I 的区别啊什么的.这些该怎么用,怎么区别,否定的怎么加?类

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:11:28

初二英语词组,句型整理?我现在初二了,要期末考了,所以我想知道词组和句型的用法之类的.比如说,help sb.tell sb+?remember+?So I do,So do I 的区别啊什么的.这些该怎么用,怎么区别,否定的怎么加?类
比如说,help sb.tell sb+?remember+?
So I do,So do I 的区别啊什么的.
还有一种就是什么 It's+adj.类似的.

初二英语词组,句型整理?我现在初二了,要期末考了,所以我想知道词组和句型的用法之类的.比如说,help sb.tell sb+?remember+?So I do,So do I 的区别啊什么的.这些该怎么用,怎么区别,否定的怎么加?类
help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事 不要加to
tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事,一定加to
remember to do sth.记住做某事 记住将要做什么事情
remember doing sth.记住做过某事 是已经做过的事情
so i do 我就是这么做的
so do i 我也是 i am a teacher,so do i 我是教师 我也是
it's + adj 就更复杂了,后面可以加动词不定式,也可以加动宾结构等等

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事
tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事
rememder to do sth
on the tree in the tree
in the future be mad at
be supposed to do sth get out of

Unit1 Will people have robots?


Unit1 Will people have robots?
1.on a space station 2.fall in love with….3.go skating 4.be able to do 5.the World Cup 6.come true 7.in the future 8.hundreds of 9.thousands of 10.millions of 11.look for 12.at home 13.in people’s homes 14.on computers 15.in 100 years/100 years from now 16 .live to be 200 years old 17.countable nouns 18.uncountable nouns 19.at college 20 .in high school 21.fly rockets to ….22.computer programmer 23.take the train to …..24.live alone 25 dress more casually 26.win awards /win the prize 27.keep a pet pig 28.predict the future 29.science fiction movies 30.make…do…31.make robots look like people 32.make robots walk and dance 33.for example/ such as 34. wake up 35.wake sb up 36.there be sb /sth doing … 37.simple jobs 38.over and over again 39.get bored /feel bored /be bored 40.sb/sth be boring 41.different shapes 42.the same as…43.help do sth /help to do sth /help with sth 44.It takes sb some time to do sth 45.sb spend some time/money (in) doing sth=sb spend time /money on sth 46.sth cost sb money 47. sb pay money for sth=sb buy sth for money
Unit 2 What should I do ?
1.不让….进入__________2.同…争吵___________3.怎么了?____________________4.不时髦的,过时的__________5.时髦的,流行的______________ 6.用电话交谈________________ 7.打电话给… _____________8.付款____________9.兼职工作_____________10.青少年论坛__________11.相处,进展_____________12.与…相处的好_____________13.尽可能…______________14.各种________15.一方面____________16.另一方面______________17.呆在家里____________18.想要做某事______19.给某人写信____________20.一张足球比赛的票________________21.足够的钱________22.足够大____________23.令某人惊奇_______________24.某人感到惊奇________________25.惊奇地___________26.需要做…_____________27.从…借…_____________28.借…给…___________29.借某物一周________________30求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西)_______________ 31 向某人要什么_____________ 32. 询问某人某事___________ 33. 叫某人不要做某事________________34 叫某人做某事_______________ 35.卖烧烤_____________36.为某人买礼物________________37.列…的清单_____________38.请家庭教师_______________39.发现____________40.为…筹划生日聚会___________41.把…忘在家里_________________42.像…_______________43.尽力风趣些___________44.邀请某人做…_______________45.对某人生气_________________46.考试失败_________47.和某人相同年龄_______________48.和某人吵架打架_________________49.给某人提建议______________50.带某人去做某事_______________51.带某人去某处___________52.直到…才…__________53.快速吃完早餐______________54.泰勒一家(夫妇)____________55.适应某人的生活_____________56.压力很大________________57.抱怨某人/某事_______________58.到了做某事的时候了______________59.看见某人在做…._____________60.送….去….___________61.把…和…比较_____________62.发现做….困难______________63.多一点的时间______________64我自己的发型________________
1.keep out 2.argue with/have an argument with 3.what’s wrong?=what’s the problem?=what’s the matter? 4.out of style =out of fashion 5.in style=in fashion 6.talk on the phone 7.call sb up 8.pay for 9.part-time job 10.teen talk 11.get on 12.get on well with 13.as …as possible 14.all kinds of 15.on the one hand 16. on the other hand 17.stay home =stay at home 18.want to do sth =would like to do sth =feel like doing sth 19.write to sb =write a letter to sb 20.a ticket to a ball game/a ticket for a ball game 21. enough money 22.big enough 23.surprise sb 24.sb be surprised 25.in surprise 26.need to do sth 27.borrow sth from sb 28.lend sth to sb 29.keep sth for a week 30.ask for 31.ask sb for sth 32.ask sb about sth 33.ask sb not to do sth 34.ask sb to do sth 35.have a bake sale 36.buy gifts for sb =buy sb sth 37.make a list of 38.get a tutor 39.find out 40.plan a birthday party for sb 41.leave sth at home 42.be like …43.try to be funny 44.invite sb to do sth 45.be angry with sb /get angry with sb /be mad at sb /get mad at sb /be annoyed with sb /get annoyed with 46 .fail the test 47.be the same age as 48.have a fight with sb 49.give sb some advice/give sb some suggestions 50.take sb to do sth 51.take sb to…. 52.not …until….53.have a quick breakfast 54.the Taylors=the Taylor family 55.fit into one’s life 56.be under much pressure /be under great stress /be stressed out 57.complain about sb /sth 58.It’s time for sth =It’s time to do sth =It’s time for doing sth 59.see sb doing sth 60.send sb to …61.compare …with …62.find it difficult to do sth 63.a bit more time 64.my own haircut
Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
1.barber shop 2.get out 3.take off 4.train station 5.come in 6.Beijing International Airport 7.hear of /hear about 8.take place 9.World Trade Center 10.as …as 11.stand in front of the library 12.sit in the front of the bus 13.sleep late 14.stay up /sit up 15.make a milk shake 16.make dinner 17.get out of …18.the Museum of Flight 19.walk down the street 20.call the police 21.have an unusual experience 22.take turn doing sth=take turn to do sth =do sth in turn 23.jump down from the tree 24.go up the tree 25.take a photo 26.run away 27.be crowded 28.outside the station 29.at last =in the end =finally 30.at the doctor’s=at the doctor’s room 31.in the barber shop =at the barber’s 32.visit aunt in hospital 33.in history 34.one of the most important events 35.in modern American history 36.everyday activities 37.at that time 38.ten minutes ago 39.ten minutes later 40.before 9 o’clock 41.after 9 o’clock 42.walk home in silence 43.be destroyed by…44.in space 45.a national hero 46.all over the world /all around the world/across the world 47.be famous /become famous48.the first time
Unit4 He said I was hardworking .
1.direct speech 2.reported speech 3.first of all 4.pass on 5.be supposed to do… 6.do well in …/be good at …7.be in good health 8.report card 9.get over 10.the Ministry of Education
11.Chinese Young Pioneer 12.sea level 13.open up 14.care for 15.a hard-working student /a lazy student 16.work hard 17.hard work 18.on soap operas 19.have a surprise party for 20.on Friday night 21.not …anymore 22.bring…to… 23.take …to… 24.go to the beach 25.an exciting week 26.be at home /be in 27.be at one’s home doing sth 28.work on 29.I’m sorry to hear that .30.have a cold /catch a cold 31.end-of-year exam 32.be nervous/feel nervous /get nervous 33.have a hard time with science =have a hard time studying science 34.find scienc very difficult 35.another disappointing result 36.pretend to be ….37.copy others’ homework 38.be sure of sth 39.be sure/certain that+从句 40.in a poor mountain village 41.sound like fun 42.be started by 43.in China’s rural areas 44.2000 meters above sea level 45.make sb feel sick 46.three times a day 47.agree with sb 48.both …and …49.in school dormitories 50.between …and …51.feel lucky 52.senior high school(美) senior middle school (英)53.junior high school (美)junior middle school(英) 54.give sb a good start 55.return to …/get back to /go back to…/come back to…56.work as a math teacher
Unit5. If you go to the party ,you’ll have a great time !
1.go to the party 2.have a good/nice/wonderful/great time 3.take the bus to …4.half the class 5.more than =over 6.want sb to do sth /would like sb to do sth 7.take away 8.during the party 9.old people’s home 10.school clean-up 11.children’s hospital 12.go to the old people’s home 13.travel around the world 14.go to college 15.make money 16.get an education 17.become a professional player 18.seem like a dream job 19.make a living (by) doing sth 20.all the time =always 21.follow you everywhere 22.get injured 23.become a professional athlete 24.have a difficult time doing sth 25.in fact 26.reasons for…27.reasons against…28.decide to do sth 29.the words given 30.make sentences with…31.spend time with sb 32.laugh at…. 33be careful /look out /watch out 34.a lucky color 35.see sb do sth
Unit 6. How long have you been collecting shells?
1.用完,用尽__________2.顺便,附带说说___________3.对…感兴趣__________ 4.奥林匹克运动会__________5.在远处____________6.在滑冰马拉松比赛中________________7.为慈善机构筹集钱________8.第一个开始的___________9.整整5个小时_____________10.你做什么运动?________11.三年半____________12.把…和…配对_____________13.为…感谢…____________14.送…给…_________15.在我7岁的生日时_______________16.别的任何人_____________17.开办一个雪球收集者俱乐部______________18.在教室里走动________________19.放风筝_____________20.最普通的爱好______________21.最不寻常的爱好______________22.组织才艺表演___________23.需要补习英语______________24.写完___________25.一份当作家的工作_____________26.来自__________27….的首都/省会______________28.有着丰富多彩的历史的城市______________29.俄罗斯样式的_______________30.对某人来说做某事是重要的____________________31.对某人来说做某事是聪明的______________________32.受到…的欢迎________________33.开始做…__________34.越多越好___________
1.run out of 2.by the way 3.be interested in …4.the Olympic Games/the Olympics 5.far away 6.in the Skating Marathon 7.raise money for charity 8.the first one to start 9.the whole five hours =all the five hours 10.what sport do you play/do ? 11.three years and a half /three and a half years 12.match…with…13.thanks for…14.send …to…15.on my seventh birthday 16.anyone else /other people 17.start a snow globe collectors’ club 18.go/walk around the class 19.fly a kite 20.the most common hobby 21.the most unusual hobby 22.organize a talent show 23.need extra English lessons 24.finish writing …25.a job as a writer 26.be from /come from 27.the capital of …28.a city with a very colorful history 29.be in Russian style 30.It’s important for sb to do sth 31.It’s clever of sb to do sth 32.be welcomed by…33.start doing sth/start to do sth 34.The more ,the better.
Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?
1.介意做…__________2.介意某人做某事____________3.把(声音)调低__________4. 把(声音)调高____________5.关(电器等)___________6.开(电器)____________7.一点也不,没关系________8.马上,立刻___________9.现在,此刻____________10.刚才_________11.穿上…________12.延迟__________13.在工作________________14.在玩____________15.在开会___________16.洗碗______17.去看电影_____________18.校庆日___________19.抱怨…____________20.服装店________21.排队等候_____________22.插队____________23.跟着某人转_______________24.某人发生了某事________25.碰巧…___________26.查字典___________27.压低声音____________28.正常的礼貌的社会行为_____________29.在亚洲国家_____________30.在欧洲_____________31.大声说话________32.即使_________33.做….比较好____________34.你最好做….______________35.在公众场合_________36.小心不要做…____________37.最有礼貌的方式之一_____________38.熄灭烟头__________39.扔垃圾___________40.捡起…___________
1.mind doing …2.mind one’s doing sth 3.turn down…4.turn up 5.turn off 6.turn on 7.not at all 8.right away /at once /right now /in a minute 9.at the moment/now/right now 10.just now /a moment ago11.put on 12.put off 13.at work /be working 14.at play /be playing 15.at the meeting /be having a meeting 16.wash the dishes 17.go to a movie/go to the cinema/go to see a film 18.the school open day 19.complain about 20.clothing store 21.wait in line 22.cut in line 23.follow sb around 24.sth happen to sb 25.sb happen to do sth 26.look up …in a dictionary 27.keep…down 28.normal and polite social behavior 29.in Asian country 30.in Europe 31.talk loudly 32.even if/even though 33.It’s better to do sth 34.you’d better do sth /It’s best for you to do sth 35.in public places/in public 36.take care not to do sth 37.one of the most polite ways 38.put out the cigarette 39.drop litter


help sb to do sth <帮助某人去做某事>.help sb doing sth<帮助某人正在做某事> .help sb do sth <帮助某人做某事>.之类的,这些都要看是正在进行时还是将来是,拿see sb doing sth 来说,是看见某人做某事的全部过程,see sb t do 就是看见的一部分。以此类推吧、、

初二英语词组,句型整理?我现在初二了,要期末考了,所以我想知道词组和句型的用法之类的.比如说,help sb.tell sb+?remember+?So I do,So do I 的区别啊什么的.这些该怎么用,怎么区别,否定的怎么加?类 初二英语上册重要词组和句型 初二上学期英语词组整理谁能帮我总结2008-2011年度,初二上所有英语词组 就是2009年上初二的一届上学期的词组 求初二英语句型我现在初二,初一时英语烂的很,几乎是80分左右,现在英语经常背分,原因就是英语的句型不会,有没有初二英语句型,帮我整理一下,感激涕零,(我是人教版的)例如:want to do sth 初二下英语重点知识点重点词组、语法、句型等。 初二的英语句型 初二英语句型转换 我的英语太差我要恶初我想要学习初一至初二的语法句型,短语,词组要带意思牛津版 初二英语上册前六个单元的语法点和句型我马上要上初二了,我们老师让我们总结初二上的1-6单元的语法点和句型,是新目标的、拜托啊、 初二上册人教版英语语法.句型总结|您好!我快上初二了现在我想预习一下英语(人教版)我想知道那每个模块的语法和句型…希望您能支持…详细—谢谢! 初二英语(新目标)词组要初二英语(新目标)上下册的所有英语词组有中文最好. 初二仁爱英语句型如:help sb.(to) do sth, ask sb. to do sth之类的,重点词组也要,初二上学期的,仁爱版 我现在初二了 英语还一窍不通.怎么办呢? 初二上册英语,句型转换 具体的初二英语句型 初二上册英语,句型转换 初二英语上册所有句型 人教版初二下册英语句型