you look _.What has happened to you接上 everyone expected us to win the match but we lost to the girlsA sad Bsadly C happy Dangrily 原因,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:09:07

you look _.What has happened to you接上 everyone expected us to win the match but we lost to the girlsA sad Bsadly C happy Dangrily 原因,
you look _.What has happened to you
接上 everyone expected us to win the match but we lost to the girls
A sad Bsadly C happy Dangrily 原因,

you look _.What has happened to you接上 everyone expected us to win the match but we lost to the girlsA sad Bsadly C happy Dangrily 原因,
A everyone expected us to win the match but we lost to the girls

不是,这是完成时. :你(身上)出了什么事? 指已经发生的意思. =What

A 意思是悲伤地 情绪低落的
b是副词 不能形容人 c d不符合题意 切d是副词

A 你看起来很伤心。你出什么事了吗 每个人都希望赢得比赛,但我们输给女孩子们了。
b是副词 不能形容人 c和d 意思不符

you look _.What has happened to you接上 everyone expected us to win the match but we lost to the girlsA sad Bsadly C happy Dangrily 原因, You look _(worry). what is the matter with you.同义句 what has _ _him. If you feeling for me has any honest basis,what I look like won't matter. If you feeling for me has any honest basis,what I look like won't matter. what are you-----(look)for what do you look like? what are you look like? i forgot what you look Look!What——(happen)over there?is happening?还有一个Have you found your _(lose)car? what _are _ you __doing_(do)?I _am closing_ (close)the windows.Look!The windows_are closed_ now. What bad weather it is!We hope it _(mnot last) long.Your mother _(not look) well.She must be _(bad) ill.If she _(feel) worse by lunch,you'd better _(send) her to hospital. What about _(留下) here for the weekend?The cat weighs about six kilos.(对about six kilos提问)_ _ _ the cat My best friend is tall and has big eyes.(对is tall and has big eyes提问)_ _ your best friend _ _ I'm sure that you have the _(able) to You look unhappy . What _____(bother) you? You look unhappy .What __(annoy)you Everyone has the right to look for her or his own happiness.Just do what you want to do. 用look、see、watch与read填空.1.I like to _ football games on TV.2.Can you _ a boy over there?3._ at your book,what can you _ on it?4.I like to _ story books.5.I can _ a boy.He is _ an English book.6.Jia Ming is _ TV now. 一个英语口语的题目You look worried.______?A What did you doB What has happenedC How is everythingD Why is that我是D,为什么?