
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 21:07:08


【We're supposed to respect our parents as both our teachers and friends.They are our first tutor and we're able to learn lots of principles about surviving in society.When making mistakes we will get criticised for punishment.Perhaps parents are strict in our eyes,yet they do everything just for our own good; While encounting frustrations and confusions very often they are the best listeners.Besides,some sophisticated advices will be proposed by them.Thereby,we should undoubtedly give them the most credit for they are friends who will never betray us.What has discussed above is all my opinion.】

We should be with the parents to maintain mentor relationships. Parents are our first teachers, we can learn from the principle of doing things. When we make a mistake, they will give us criticism, pe...


We should be with the parents to maintain mentor relationships. Parents are our first teachers, we can learn from the principle of doing things. When we make a mistake, they will give us criticism, perhaps we are too strict in the eyes of the parents , but their intention is good for us. When we encounter setbacks and confused, parents are often the best listener, they will i n a mature perspective to our proposal, we should give them unconditional trust. Because, our parents are never betray a friend. The above is my opinion


【We're supposed to respect our parents as both our teachers and friends. They are our first tutor and we're able to learn lots of principles about surviving in society. When making mistakes we will ge...


【We're supposed to respect our parents as both our teachers and friends. They are our first tutor and we're able to learn lots of principles about surviving in society. When making mistakes we will get criticised for punishment. Perhaps parents are strict in our eyes, yet they do everything just for our own good; While encounting frustrations and confusions very often they are the best listeners. Besides, some sophisticated advices will be proposed by them. Thereby, we should undoubtedly give them the most credit for they are friends who will never betray us. What has discussed above is all my opinion. 】



中:我们应该与父母保持亦师亦友的关系。父母是我们的第一任导师,我们可以从他们身上学到为人处事的原则。在我们犯错误时,他们会给予批评,或许我们眼中的父母太严厉,但他们的初衷是为我们好。而当我们遇到挫折与困惑时,父母往往是最好的倾听者,他们会以一个成熟理智的角度给我们建议,我们应该给予他们毫无保留的信赖。因为,父母是我们永不会背叛的朋友。以上是我的观点。英:We should be with the ...


中:我们应该与父母保持亦师亦友的关系。父母是我们的第一任导师,我们可以从他们身上学到为人处事的原则。在我们犯错误时,他们会给予批评,或许我们眼中的父母太严厉,但他们的初衷是为我们好。而当我们遇到挫折与困惑时,父母往往是最好的倾听者,他们会以一个成熟理智的角度给我们建议,我们应该给予他们毫无保留的信赖。因为,父母是我们永不会背叛的朋友。以上是我的观点。英:We should be with the parents to maintain mentor relationships. Parents are our first teachers, we can learn from the principle of doing things. When we make a mistake, they will give us criticism, perhaps we are too strict in the eyes of the parents , but their intention is good for us. When we encounter setbacks and confused, parents are often the best listener, they will i n a mature perspective to our proposal, we should give them unconditional trust. Because, our parents are never betray a friend. The above is my opinion


In my opinion. we should treat our parents as not only teacher, but friends. they are our very first tutors, we can learn the principle of getting along with people from them. They give their fair cri...


In my opinion. we should treat our parents as not only teacher, but friends. they are our very first tutors, we can learn the principle of getting along with people from them. They give their fair criticism when we make mistakes. We may think them too stern, but they all have good intention for us. They are always the best audients when we are in trouble and confusion, and give us suggestions from the view of mature and wisdom and intelligence, we ought to give our unconditional trust to them because they are our forever friends who will never betray us.
ps.我把“以上是我的观点”放在最前面了,英文中习惯这样。 自己写的, 可以根据自己的情况改动。


We’d better build the relationship with parents who are my teachersas well as my friends.
The parents are our 1st tutor, we can learn the principles what they did. When we make a mistake,


We’d better build the relationship with parents who are my teachersas well as my friends.
The parents are our 1st tutor, we can learn the principles what they did. When we make a mistake,
they can give us proposal. Maybe we will feel they are serious, while the original intention is good for us.; When we are being frustrated and puzzled, they are always the best listener, and give us some witty advice, we should believe them withoutreservation, because the parents are the friends that we never betray them. The above is my viewpoint.


[We should be with the parents to maintain mentor relationships.Parents are our first teachers, we can learn from the principle of doing things.When we make a mistake, they will give criticism, perhap...


[We should be with the parents to maintain mentor relationships.Parents are our first teachers, we can learn from the principle of doing things.When we make a mistake, they will give criticism, perhaps we in the eyes of the parents are too strict, but their intention is good for us.When we encounter setbacks and confused, parents are often the best listener, they will in a mature perspective to our proposal, we should give them unconditional trust.Because, our parents are never betray a friend.The above is my opinion.]


英语翻译我们应该与父母保持亦师亦友的关系.父母是我们的第一任导师,我们可以从他们身上学到为人处事的原则.在我们犯错误时,他们会给予批评,或许我们眼中的父母太严厉,但他们的初衷 英语翻译1,在过去的十年里,父母与孩子的关系发生了巨大的变化2,我们应该面对挑战,并学着爱惜自己. 建议我们应该和父母沟通.英语翻译 英语翻译我们应该保持工作和生活的平衡,这能使我们过的更快乐. 1、我们在家庭生活中,最主要的关系是与父母的关系,其原因是: 英语翻译1.理想的父母与自律之间的关系应该是什么样的呢?2.双方应该怎样做到相互理解呢? 用英语翻译“我们应该常回家看望父母” 英语翻译1.孩子的成长和性格的培养与父母及家庭环境有很大的关系2.这份工作的薪水是与个人的绩效挂钩的3.有时候,你给我的感觉是很高傲,甚至是看不起我们4.按照中国传统民俗,你应该叫 父母与孩子之间应该建立怎样的关系才更利于孩子成长 我们应该和父母经常沟通,使我们更亲近.我们应该学会理解父母,去爱他们.(英语翻译) 我们经常听到有些孩子抱怨父母不理解他们,父母与孩子之间有代沟,假设你是父母,你会怎样处理与孩子之间的关系. 英语翻译这句话应该怎么理解?是父母给我们$15000 让我们买房子,我们应该接受吗还是“父母出价$15000 要买我们的房子,我们应该同意吗” 我们应该怎样理性处理民族文化与世界文化的关系? 我们应该如何看待病毒与人类的关系 我们应该如何看待化学与能源的关系? 我们应该怎么样看待班级中和与争的关系? 英语翻译“我认为在这个婚姻开放的年代,为人父母应该要跟的上时代的脚步,婚姻是一辈子的事,关系着我们的人生,所以做为父母应该尊重我们的选择”“我认为在一定情况下,金钱和幸福是 负载的额定电流与断路器的额定电流应该保持怎样的关系?