
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:51:51


你还是直接找翻译公司吧 这种正式的东西

This case established such a principle: in accordance with the law, set up a limited company, the company shall obtain independent personality, even if the company's control over the control of one or...


This case established such a principle: in accordance with the law, set up a limited company, the company shall obtain independent personality, even if the company's control over the control of one or only the minority shareholders of the hand, and the rest of the shareholders of the company has only a symbolic interests, also do not affect the company's independent legal person status. Because of the company's property independent, only shareholders to their contribution of negative thoughts in the case of a limited liability has won the highest expression, make the company become a lawsuit salomon salomon in company law of one of the most important case. Yet it is based on the same reason, the judgment and it is often seen as a future trouble boundless unfortunate decision, it for individual shareholders or minority shareholders seek method provides opportunities outside interests, the creditors of the company is unfair. In order to overcome the disadvantages, and straight to the misuse of the personality of legal person, the us court of the 20 th century created "to Pierce the veil" principle.
"To Pierce the veil" in the continental law system country is called the company the disregard of corporate personality system, it is to point to have an independent legal person qualification of the organization, in specific legal relationship, if its members from improper purpose of a company personality, and therefore cause damage to creditors, the court can be based on the value concept of justice, deny the legal person and independent personality and legal person shall be ordered to the members of the debts of the legal person directly to undertake joint and several liability of a legal system.


英语翻译该判例确立了这样一个原则:依照法律规定设立有限公司,该公司依法取得独立人格,即使公司的控制权仅操纵于一位或少数股东手中,其余股东对公司仅具有象征性利益,亦不影响公司 有关判例法的表述,正确的是a判例法就是法院所做的法律解释 b判例法奉行“遵循先例”原则 c在大陆法系,判例法是一种基本的法律渊源 d我国最高法院通过案例指导制度引进了判例法制度 “美国联邦政府结构示意图”体现了什么原则?该宪法确立了什么样的政治制度? 独立宣言确立了哪些政治原则? 什么是判例法? 确立了三权分立的原则的是哪部宪法? 实行判例法的“法官造法”是什么意思?请举例说明实行判例法的国家就没有日常的成文规范了吗? 人民代表大会制度作为我国的根本政治制度何时确立的,该宪法的原则是什么 启蒙运动确立的一系列思想原则极大的推动了人类社会的进步,这些原则有哪些? 英语翻译信赖保护原则是一项重要的行政法原则,长期以来,我国行政法学界对其研究较少,但近来我国颁布实施的一系列法律法规中都体现了信赖保护原则,并将信赖保护原则确立为行政法的基 请问判例法的特点是什么? 成文法与判例法哪个好? 1787年美国宪法确立了三权分立的原则,其中掌握立法权的是 重金酬谢!帮忙翻译下这几个词 判例法 大陆法系 判例 成文法 实体. 英语翻译论合同法自由原则的限制〔摘要〕合同自由原则是私法意思自治的主要内容和基本表现形式.它发源于欧洲中世纪,确立于资本主义自由竞争时期.自二十世纪以来,这一原则逐渐受到了 结合材料分析侵权责任法确立“同命同价”原则的政治意义和法律意义 美国和中国资产阶级革命后,确立了什么政体?美国确立这一政体的依据是什么?其主要原则是什么? 美国宪法确立了什么样的政体?这部宪法在权力结构中突出体现了什么原则?