It never rains but it pours用英文翻译?

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It never rains but it pours用英文翻译?
It never rains but it pours用英文翻译?

It never rains but it pours用英文翻译?
It never rains it pours.
不知是巧合还是什么,倒霉的事通常都会接二连三的发生.中文有句话叫‘祸不单行’,其实英文也有相同的说法:It never rains it pours.(不雨则已,一雨倾盆) 也就是喻意‘祸不单行’.西方人也相信坏运气必会来临三次,所以有句话叫Bad luck comes in 3's.另外It's one thing after another.或 A run of bad luck.都是‘屋漏偏逢连夜雨’或‘祸不单行’的意思.
Brian:I can't believe my luck.I must have done something wrong in a past life.
Helen:Why,what's happened?
Brian:Well,this week I got fired,I sprained my ankle,I crashed my car,got my tax bill,got my wallet stolen and put on 10 pounds.
Helen:It never rains it pours right?At least your love life's fine,isn't it?
Brian:Definitely not.My girlfriend caused all this.She’s got to go.
有没有看过英国名作家梅斯菲尔 (John Masefield) 的小说Odtaa?那是one damned thing after another的缩略,出自成语Life is just one damned thing after another.(人生无非是一件又一件的倒霉事).
英文谚语It never rains but it pours.用现代英文来说,是It never rains without pouring.(不雨则矣,一雨倾盆),意思是事情一发生就接二连三,可以指好事,但多数是指坏事,例如:It never rains but it pours.Shortly after losing his job,he was diagnosed with cancer.(祸不单行,他失业不久,就诊断出患了癌症).另一句英文谚语Misfortunes never come singly.和中文成语‘祸不单行’如出一辙.Singly是single(单一)的副词(adverb)写法,He lives singly.即‘他过着独身生活’.
说到祸福,你有时可用as luck would have it 这说法,意思是‘幸运地’或‘不幸地’,例如:(1) As (ill) luck would have it,I fell sick on the day of the examination.(考试那天,我不幸病倒了).(2) As (good) luck would have it,I failed to catch the plane that crashed immediately after taking off.(幸而我没赶及搭那架一起飞就坠毁的飞机).
Luck是不可数名词 (uncountable noun),不可说a luck,但可说a stroke of luck(一件幸运的事),例如:It was a stroke of luck that I missed the plane.(我没赶及搭那架飞机,真幸运).




It never rains it pours.
不知是巧合还是什么,倒霉的事通常都会接二连三的发生。中文有句话叫‘祸不单行’,其实英文也有相同的说法:It never rains it pours. (不雨则已,一雨倾盆) 也就是喻意‘祸不单行’。西方人也相信坏运气必会来临三次,所以有句话叫Bad luck comes in 3's. 另外It's one thing after an...


It never rains it pours.
不知是巧合还是什么,倒霉的事通常都会接二连三的发生。中文有句话叫‘祸不单行’,其实英文也有相同的说法:It never rains it pours. (不雨则已,一雨倾盆) 也就是喻意‘祸不单行’。西方人也相信坏运气必会来临三次,所以有句话叫Bad luck comes in 3's. 另外It's one thing after another.或 A run of bad luck.都是‘屋漏偏逢连夜雨’或‘祸不单行’的意思。
Brian: I can't believe my luck. I must have done something wrong in a past life.
Helen: Why, what's happened?
Brian: Well, this week I got fired, I sprained my ankle, I crashed my car, got my tax bill, got my wallet stolen and put on 10 pounds.
Helen: It never rains it pours right? At least your love life's fine, isn't it?
Brian: Definitely not. My girlfriend caused all this. She’s got to go.
有没有看过英国名作家梅斯菲尔 (John Masefield) 的小说Odtaa?那是one damned thing after another的缩略,出自成语Life is just one damned thing after another.(人生无非是一件又一件的倒霉事)。
英文谚语It never rains but it pours. 用现代英文来说,是It never rains without pouring.(不雨则矣,一雨倾盆),意思是事情一发生就接二连三,可以指好事,但多数是指坏事,例如:It never rains but it pours. Shortly after losing his job, he was diagnosed with cancer.(祸不单行,他失业不久,就诊断出患了癌症)。另一句英文谚语Misfortunes never come singly. 和中文成语‘祸不单行’如出一辙。Singly是single(单一)的副词(adverb)写法,He lives singly. 即‘他过着独身生活’。
说到祸福,你有时可用as luck would have it 这说法,意思是‘幸运地’或‘不幸地’,例如:(1) As (ill) luck would have it, I fell sick on the day of the examination.(考试那天,我不幸病倒了)。(2) As (good) luck would have it, I failed to catch the plane that crashed immediately after taking off.(幸而我没赶及搭那架一起飞就坠毁的飞机)。
Luck是不可数名词 (uncountable noun),不可说a luck,但可说a stroke of luck(一件幸运的事),例如:It was a stroke of luck that I missed the plane.(我没赶及搭那架飞机,真幸运)。
