有没有英语达人 看看文章有没有错小弟是个英语小白 因年少贪玩 连什麼式都搞不清楚 但我开始不想浪费时间 想学好英文 有个好的前途 就在刚才 我又查了字典 凑凑拼拼了一个文章 文章有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:03:36

有没有英语达人 看看文章有没有错小弟是个英语小白 因年少贪玩 连什麼式都搞不清楚 但我开始不想浪费时间 想学好英文 有个好的前途 就在刚才 我又查了字典 凑凑拼拼了一个文章 文章有
有没有英语达人 看看文章有没有错
小弟是个英语小白 因年少贪玩 连什麼式都搞不清楚 但我开始不想浪费时间 想学好英文 有个好的前途 就在刚才 我又查了字典 凑凑拼拼了一个文章
long time ago,have one old man alone live in a one no man's island,He live there already have three years.And then why He live here?Because in there years ago,the old man and he wife by boat travel en route,sudden happened one unexpected ,the boat was ocean wave to hit broken.So he and his wife was scattered.
3 years on,He all along miss his family so much.But he don't have Leave the island method ,so his only can waiting and hope someone through this island,can help he leave here.

有没有英语达人 看看文章有没有错小弟是个英语小白 因年少贪玩 连什麼式都搞不清楚 但我开始不想浪费时间 想学好英文 有个好的前途 就在刚才 我又查了字典 凑凑拼拼了一个文章 文章有
开篇加个A.have改成there is.alone live 改成 living alone.in改成on."a" 和 "one"去掉一个. He live there already have three years改成He had lived there for three years already. why 和 he 中间加个 does. in there 可以删除.he改成his.travel加ed放在by的前边."en"是什么.打错了吗.sudden改成suddenly.one改成something放在suddenly后边.后边那句改成The boat was hit by an ocean wave and broken. was改成were.
on改成passed吧.all along放在句末. don't改成doesn't.method前要加a后边加to放在have后边.然后:So he can only wait and hope for someone to come to this island that can help him leave this place.
A long time ago, there is an old man living alone on a no man's island. He had lived there for three years already. And then why does he live here? Because three years ago, the old man and his wife traveledd by boat, suddenly something unexpected happened, the boat was hit by an ocean wave and broken. So he and his wife were scattered.
Three years passed, he missed his family so much all along. But he doesn't have a method to leave this island, so he can only wait and hope for someone to come to this island that can help him leave this place.