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Book 2 Modules 1-2参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CCBCA 6-10 CDBCA
11-15 BDCAB 16-20 CDABC
21-25 DABCD 26-30 ABCDA
31-35 DCBBA 36-40 CACBA
41-45 BDDAD 46-50 ADCBC
51-55 BDFEG
56. Because a tornado struck Oklahoma on May 20, 2013.
57. The natural features that make the Midwest tornado-prone.
58. The horizontal differences in air temperature.
59. It means that the Midwest is more likely to have tornadoes than other places.
60. Because the tornado was too strong.
61. ... is to examine ... is → was
62. ... they would see ... they → he
63. ... is used to ... 去掉is
64. ... after that he ... that → which
65. ... bringing nothing into ...nothing → something
66. ... he can't imagine ... can't → couldn't
67. ... as usually ... usually → usual
68. ... for duty. for → on
69. ... brief silence. brief前加a
70. ... said quietly:“Bicycle”. Bicycle → Bicycles
One possible version:
With the growing popularity of the Internet, more and more children are addicted to playing online games day and night. It does harm not only to their health, especially their eyes, but also their studies.
Compared with online games, many traditional games, like hide-and-seek, benefit kids mentally and physically. They were ever popular with several generations, who not only learned something valuable but also had fun playing games like this. However, the games are dying away now.
Personally, I think teachers and parents should take measures to limit their children's Internet time. Let children know the harm of online games and the benefits of traditional games. Help children judge the healthy and unhealthy games. What's more, organize events for children in which traditional games are played.
1. C.第一空指所谈的这起事故,故用the 表特指;at a speed of ... 以……的速度.
2. C.由at five o’clock this afternoon 及by then 可知“那时他已经去开会了”,故用将来完成时.
3. B.“老板允许工人们有喝咖啡休息时间”是为了“提高员工的工作效率”,故用不定式表目的.
4. C.she has decided to resign 是made a terrible mistake 的结果,故用Therefore(因此).
5. A.by doing sth. 通过做某事;thank sb. for doing sth. 因做了某事而感谢某人.6. C.空格处指代不可数名词bread,故用that.
7. D.由a lot of things were missing 可知,“他们的房子被闯入(broken into)了”.
8. B.由We have a computer to do that可知,前一句意为“你本不必做那些计算”,故用needn’t.needn’t have done表示“本来没必要做某事却做了”.
9. C.not only ... but also 连接句子时,not only 可以置于句首表示强调,这时not only 后的分句要用部分倒装语序.
10. A.由Thank you 可知,答话者愿意接受对方的帮助,故用It couldn’t be better(再好不过了).完形填空:话题:人际关系本文是记叙文.一位老人主动帮助一个傲慢的年轻绅士把火鸡送到了家.年轻绅士得知这位老人是美国首席大法官John Marshall 后,受到了深刻的教育,羞愧不已.
11. B.由下文的his coat worn and his hat old 可知,这位老人衣着“朴素(simply)”.
12. D.由第二段中的The market man packed it and put it in his basket 可知,老人胳膊上挎着一个篮子.
13. C.下文的He also bought a turkey 表明,老人要买一只火鸡.
14. A.15. B.由下文老人付钱买了火鸡可知,老人说,火鸡“正是(just)”他想要的,妻子会很“满意(satisfied)”.
16. C.由下文的He also bought a turkey可知,绅士是来市场买火鸡的,故用stepped into.
17. D.由下文的reaching the gentleman'shome 可知,绅士要求把火鸡送到他的家里.
18. A.由下文店主所说的话可知,他“拒绝(refused)”给绅士送货到家.
19. B.此处在陈述另一个原因,故用Besides.
20. C.店主这里是在阐述不给绅士送货的理由,故此处指店里没有送货的习惯.
21. D.由语境可知,店主认为火鸡不“重(heavy)”,绅士可以自己拿回去.
22. A.由这位绅士所说的话可知,他很“生气(angry)”.
23. B.由that is lucky 可知,老人“碰巧(happen)”与年轻绅士同路.
24. C.显然此处是老人征求年轻绅士的意见,故用allow.
25. D.到了年轻绅士的家了,老人礼貌地把火鸡递给他.用When 表示时间.
26. A.由下文老人的回答可知,年轻绅士“感谢(thanked)”老人帮忙.
27. B.由nothing 可知,老人觉得一点也不“麻烦(trouble)”.
28. C.由下文年轻绅士跑到市场询问的行为可知,他觉得有些奇怪,故用wondered.
29. D.老人主动无偿帮自己送火鸡,因此年轻绅士认为老人很“ 友好(kind)”.
30. A.得知老人的身份后,年轻绅士很惊讶也很“羞愧(shamed)”.
本文是记叙文.上一年级的弟弟因 为不识字给妈妈买错了圣诞礼物,作者偷偷地帮他换了一个对的,从而使得妈 妈的圣诞礼物更加意义非凡.
31. D.细节理解题.由第四段中作者 所做的事情可知D项正确.
32. C.词义猜测题.由第三段中弟弟 把给妈妈买的项链藏在床底下想给妈妈一个惊喜以及他并不知道作者 为他做的一切可知,妈妈打开礼物时弟弟很兴奋.
33. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的 My brother still does not know what I did可知B项正确. 34. B.标题归纳题.本文讲了一个感人的亲情小故事:弟弟给妈妈买错了圣诞礼物,作者偷偷地帮他换了一个对的礼物.这个礼物对妈妈来说,真是太特别了.标题中的special 与第 二段中的a special necklace for her 和倒数第二段中的which made the necklace even more special to her 相呼应.
35. A.细节理解题.由Polar Bear Jump-Off event planned 部分中的an annual event held in Seward to raise money for American Cancer Society可知,Polar Bear Jump-Off 通过募捐支持美国癌症协会.
36. C.细节理解题.从文章第2 段的 “All funds raised will benefit the Alice Pickett Animal Shelter.”可知C项正确.
37. A.细节理解题.由Seward Senior Center offers exercise classes 部分中的Tai Chi is 1 to 2 p.m.可知,太极拳 课程在下午,其余各项活动都在上 午.
38. C.细节理解题.由Bluegrass camps and concert offered 部分中的$20 per family of two adults and one or more children 可知,他们需要支付20 美元.
39. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的 Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the threat of language death and to try to do something about it 可知,Westez 在史密森学会录卡托巴语歌曲是为了应对这种语言消亡的危机.
40. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的few people are aware of the effect that widely spoken languages have on other languages 可知,世界上那些有影响力的语言导致了卡托巴语的消失.
41. B.写作手法题.第四段列举了很多即将消亡的语言,故本段是通过举例子的手法展开的.
42. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的 However, he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carolina 可知,Red Thunder Cloud 过去经常去卡托巴保留地.
43. D.推理判断题.由第二段中的But does that mean Kanzi can use true language?可知,作者描述Kanzi 的一系列本领是为了要说明它似乎懂得人类语言,从而引出本文要讨论的话题.
44. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的The researchers discovered a structure in the chimps' brains, which is similar to a structure in the human brain, called the PT 可知,the PT 在黑猩猩的脑子里也存在.
45. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Steven Pinker and others believe that the PT in chimps might simply be recognizing sounds — activities that are clearly not on the same level as human language 可知,他认为黑猩猩掌握语言的能力跟人类不在一个水平上,可见他对黑猩猩的语言能力持怀疑态度.
46. A.主旨大意题.通读全文可知,本文主要讨论了猿类是否具有和人一样的语言能力这个问题.
47. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的to increase literacy awareness in the adult population 可知该机构主要开展成人教育.
48. C.词义猜测题.由下一段中Lydia Castillo 所说的I tell them, ‘Go ahead. Move that mouse! You're in control!' 可知,这些成年学生很紧张.
49. B.细节理解题.由第八段中的They are then paired with an adult 可知,该课程提供一对一教学.
50. C.细节理解题.由文末Lydia Castillo所说的It's OK not to know anything可知,参加这个课程的成人学生不需要有计算机知识.