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Book 5 Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CADDD 6-10 ACBBD
11-15 BCDDA 16-20 BBCCA
21-25 DCDBD 26-30 AACBD
31-35 DABDD 36-40 ACBBD
41-45 CADAD 46-50 CCDDD
51-55 FEAGD
56. Because people have exercised self-control to prevent smog.
57. To drive away evil spirits.
58. Because many cities were hit with thick smog in January.
59. It was better than expected.
60. Because people will probably learn a lesson from the smog. / Because people will probably care more about the environment.
61. ... my best friend ... friend → friends
62. ... a lot common. common前加in
63. Unless I am not ... Unless → Though / Although
64. ... so smarter as ... smarter → smart
65. ... favourite subjects is ... is → are
66. Thank to her ... Thank → Thanks
67. ... English teacher says ... says → said
68. ... in next week. 去掉in
69. Both Julie and me ... me → I
70. ... to show our ... show → showing
One possible version:
Everyone wishes to live safely and happily forever, however, danger may happen to us unexpectedly.
On a hot day three years ago, my father and I went swimming in a swimming pool. Since I was a beginner, I only swam in the shallow water at first. After a while I wanted to have a try in the deep water out of curiosity. However, when I swam there, I was so nervous that I swallowed some water and began to sink. It was my father who came as quickly as possible and saved me.
What a dangerous experience! It warned me that we should always keep safety in mind and never take unnecessary risks. What's more, we should ask for our parents' opinions when we want to do something.
1. C.由is 可知,number 前用The,the number of 意为“……的数量”;on the increase 为固定搭配,意为“正在增加”.题意:在中国,有关儿童文学方面的书籍的出版数目正在增加.
2. A.题意:毕业后,我出国深造,而此时我的朋友们找到了好工作.meanwhile 同时;therefore 因此;besides 此 外;otherwise否则.
3. D.分析句子结构可知,逗号后为定语从句修饰先行词her three friends, 故用of whom.
4. D.分析句子结构可知,make 与coffee 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且由后一分句可知,make 所表示的动作已发生,故用made作后置定语.
5. D.由“我们这里没有叫凯特的”可知,对方“一定是”拨错号码了.must have done 表示对过去情况的肯定推 测.
6. A.by 表示“到……为止”,多与完成 时连用.根据by 10: 00 this morning 及listened 可知,finish 所表示的动作 发生在过去的过去,故空格处用过去完成时.
7. C.根据题意可知,ATM 代表(stand for)Automatic Teller Machine(自动柜员机).set up 建立,成立;make up 组成;go for 攻击,喜欢,适用于.
8. B.分析句子结构可知,空格处为非谓语动词短语作状语,由于John 与 leave 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且 rush out 与leave 的动作同时发生,故用动词-ing形式作状语.
9. B.分析句子结构可知该句为强调句.被强调的是句子的主语her Olympic experience,故用that.
10. D.由答语“我又不关心他有多少钱”可知,空格处表示“不管本赢了多少钱都和我没关系”,故D 项So what?(那又怎么样?)符合语境. Up to you.由你决定.It’s a pity.真可惜.What for?为什么?
话题:社会本文是记叙文.作者讲述了自己参 加慈善活动的经历和感受.
11. B.由下文的None of them 及when I went on a school field trip 可推测,作者之前尝试过多种社区服务活动.
12. C.由第二段中的This ... my heart in a way that others did not understand 及第四段第一句This community service project touched my heart in another way too 可推测,Stuff the Bus 活动“影响(affected)”了作者.
13. D.由下文的give them to people 可推测,该活动需要“募集(collect)”食品和不易坏的商品.
14. D.活动募集的东西会被送给那些 “负担不起(cannot afford)”感恩节晚餐的人们.
15. A.由第二段最后一句People brought us Christmas gifts, food, and even clothes 可推测,Stuff the Bus 活动曾“触动(touched)”了作者的心.
16. B.由上文的my father was really sick 可推测,作者的父亲在“医院(hospital)”住了两个月.
17. B.由下文的money was really ... for my family 可推测,此处是说作者的父亲因生病不能“工作(work)”赚 钱.
18. C.由上文的my mom was working less to be with him 可推测,作者家里没有足够的钱.tight手头紧.
19. C.由下文的we would have gone hungry 可推测,要是没有像Stuff the Bus 这样的慈善机构的帮助,作者一家就会挨饿.
20. A.通读全文可知,Stuff the Bus属于慈善“机构(organizations)”.
21. D.由上文的Let's help the needy 可推测,此处是说那些需要帮助的人很 “穷(poor)”. 22. C.由下文的but we aren't poor either 可推测,作者认为上述大多数人的说法并不总是“正确的(true)”.
23. D.24. B.由文中的but we aren't poor either 可推测,作者的家庭不 “富裕(rich)”,但也不贫穷.他们 “只是(just)”处于困境中.
25. D.由上文的but we aren't poor 可 知,需要捐赠的家庭可能不全是贫穷的.
26. A.“实际上(In reality)”,任何人都可 能身处困境.
27. A.由下文的who went on this field trip 可知,此处指的是和作者一样的 “志愿(volunteers)”.
28. C.由下文的learned how to work together 可推测,作者和有严重学习障碍的孩子们“搭档(partnered up)” 做社区服务.
29. B.由下文的realize that we are all very similar deep down 可推测,一起工作的经历帮助作者“理解(understand)” 其他人对生活的看法.
30. D.作者“希望(hope)”每个人都能通过某种方式回馈社区.
31. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的I stopped at my boys' workplaces 可知,作者首先将蛋糕送给了儿子们.
32. A.推理判断题.由第五段中的an old man was staring at the ground and sighing deeply with despair 可推断,老人当时看起来很伤心.
33. B.推理判断题.通读全文可知,作 者并不认识这位老人;再由第八段中的Mom made cupcakes today and she would like you to have one!可知,作者送老人蛋糕是为了表达善意. 第十段中的I thought I had just done some random nice thing 也是提示.
34. D.推理判断题.由第十段中的I thought I had just done some random nice thing, but it turned out I was allowed to share with him the love he deserved to receive on this great day of his birth 可推断,作者的母亲和老人彼此并不认识.
35. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的get people to focus on recycling可知.
36. A.推理判断题.由第五段中的My parents are very environmentally aware and taught me to reuse and recycle 可推断,Rowen受到了父母的环境意识的启发.
37. C.推理判断题.由第七段中的 because that is the garbage you see on the ground 可推断,Rowen 之所以选择这些材料,是因为它们是典型的垃圾.
38. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的 If you are fond of art, don't worry about ... 可推断,Rowen 认为要成为一名艺术家,最重要的是对艺术要有热情.
39. B.推理判断题.由下文的making all dogs and cats adopted from shelters Colorado's official state pets 可知,对于收容所的猫和狗来说,将它们列为科罗拉多州的官方宠物是一件值得庆祝的事.故选celebrate.
40. D.细节理解题.由第三段首句 Students from Peakview School in Walsenburg, Colorado, came up with the idea as part of a project designed to help them learn how to make laws 可知. 41. C.推理判断题.由第六段中的it might help more shelter dogs and cats find homes. In recent years, 6 million to 8 million animals ended up in shelters across the U.S. About half of them have had to be put to sleep because not enough people are adopting pets 可知,近年来,美国每年有三四百万收容所的动物因无人领养而被杀死.据此可推断,该法案的通过不仅会鼓励更多人收养动物,而且可以避免许多收容所的动物被杀死.
42. A.篇章结构题.由第三段中的Students from Peakview School in Walsenburg, Colorado, came up with the idea as part of a project designed to help them learn how to make laws. They convinced state lawmakers to write the bill 及第七段可知,州法律的立法程序是:先有好的想法,然后说服立法者写法案,再使法案在参议院和众议院通过,最后州长签署法案.
43. D.推理判断题.由第二段的“All the big pioneers of the 20th century had tried to fly coast to coast across America,”可知正确答案为D项.
44. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的Solar Impulse's journey marks the first time an airplane powered only by solar energy可知.
45. D.推理判断题.由第四段中的 “Our plane is not designed to carry a passenger, but to carry a message,” Piccard has said many times. That message is to use clean technologies for energy efficiency 可知,设计阳光动力号飞机的目的是鼓励人们使用 清洁能源技术.
46. C.细节理解题.由最后一段中的 Most of the weight is from the solar panels that cover its wings 可知.
47. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的As he pedaled, the President stayed in place, while the energy from his pedaling powered a water filtration system 可知,奥巴马总统所骑的自行车是用来过滤水的.故C项正确.
48. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的we didn't actually expect him to可知.
49. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的 They can take it to places after natural disasters so that water can be clean for the people there 可知,设计这个特殊的滤水装置的目的是帮助经历了自然灾害的人们获得干净的水.
50. D.推理判断题.结合最后一段中的President Obama praised the projects 可推测,奥巴马总统认为才上三年级就发明东西的学生,等到上大学的时候必定会做更了不起的事情.