请问:permit allow agree admit 的区别 是什么You may be (D) to a well-known college or win a scholarship.A.permit B.allow C.agree D.admit这四个单词的意思都有"允许,接纳"的意思,那应该怎么样更好地去理解它们呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:39:51

请问:permit allow agree admit 的区别 是什么You may be (D) to a well-known college or win a scholarship.A.permit B.allow C.agree D.admit这四个单词的意思都有"允许,接纳"的意思,那应该怎么样更好地去理解它们呢?
请问:permit allow agree admit 的区别 是什么
You may be (D) to a well-known college or win a scholarship.
A.permit B.allow C.agree D.admit

请问:permit allow agree admit 的区别 是什么You may be (D) to a well-known college or win a scholarship.A.permit B.allow C.agree D.admit这四个单词的意思都有"允许,接纳"的意思,那应该怎么样更好地去理解它们呢?
allow permit这两个词的意义与用法相近permit这个词稍微正式一些,其意义为“允许”“准许”
其句型为: 1、allow/permit sth 2、allow/permit sb to do sth 3、allow/permit doing sth
如:①This plant allows one hour for lunch.
②He would not permit the waste of a single grain.
③They don't allow/permit people to smoke in the offices.
④We don't allow/permit smoking in the offices.
⑤Talking loudly is not allowed/permitted in the library.
如:①She would it allow me in.
②Mery isn't allowed out at night.
admit 动词 指(通常不情愿地)承认、供认
eg.Few politicians admit their mistakes.政客很少会承认自己的错误. She will never admit that she is wrong.她绝对不会承认自己做错了.
1. agree (to sth) 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”.如:Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的建议吗?
2. agree with sb 意为“适合(某人的健康或胃口)”,尤用于否定句或疑问句中.如:The climate there doesn\'t agree with him. 那里的气候对他不合适.
3. agree (with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”.如:We couldn\'t agree on a date/ when to meet. 关于日期(什么时候见面),我们没有能取得一致意见.
4. agree sth意为“在某事物上取得一致意见;商定”.如:Can we agree a price? 我们能不能商定一个价格?
5. agree (with sth) 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相符合;相吻合”.如:Your thoughts didn\'t agree with mine. 你的想法和我的想法不一致.
6. be agreed(on /about sth)意为“达成协议;意见一致”.如:We are all agreed on the best action. 我们都同意这一最佳措施.
7. agree后面还可以接宾语从句,即be agreed that ...如:It was agreed that another meeting was necessary. 大家都认为有必要再开一次会.