英语翻译我有一个好朋友,她是一个活泼可爱的女孩,她很聪明,说话幽默有趣,天天很快乐,人也很诚实,长得很漂亮,讨人喜欢,对人非常友好.我自己是这么翻译的!I have a good friend like this:she is a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 08:55:18

英语翻译我有一个好朋友,她是一个活泼可爱的女孩,她很聪明,说话幽默有趣,天天很快乐,人也很诚实,长得很漂亮,讨人喜欢,对人非常友好.我自己是这么翻译的!I have a good friend like this:she is a
I have a good friend like this:she is a lovely girl with active character.Being bright enough,she is always applying humorous in her speaking.Happiness are often around her in her everyday.Besides,she is good-looking and always with a friendly attitude to others.So are the reasons why everyone likes her.

英语翻译我有一个好朋友,她是一个活泼可爱的女孩,她很聪明,说话幽默有趣,天天很快乐,人也很诚实,长得很漂亮,讨人喜欢,对人非常友好.我自己是这么翻译的!I have a good friend like this:she is a
I have a good girl friend who is cute and vigorous.Clever as she is,her talks are always full of humor.She really spend every day with happiness.Honesty,beauty,charm and hospitality are her characteristics.

I have a good friend, she is a lively lovable girl, she is very intelligent, speech humorous interesting, is very daily joyful, the human is also very honest, is long very attractively, likeable, is friendly to the human.

i have a good friend, who is a lovely girl. she is smart, humourous and happy. also she is honest, pretty and loveable. She is always friendly towards others.

I have a good friend.She is a extroverted and nice girl.She is very smart and humour.She is happy every day.She is also honest and beautiful.She is very nice and always be friendly to the people.

I have a good friend, and she is a lively and lovely girl, she is very smart, humorous remarks interesting, very happy every day, people are very honest, Zhang Dehen beautiful, Taorenxihuan, the people very friendly.

I have a good friend,she is so excellent as be lively,pretty,intelligent,humor,happy,honest,beautiful,attractively,friendship and so on.

Here is a good friend of mine.She is a lovely girl .She is very clever and humorous.Happiness with the honest girl very day .
Of course ,the beautiful girl is awfully popular.She is always friendly to others.

I have a good friend, she is a lovely girl, she is smart, humorous and happy everyday. Meantime, she is horniest, beautiful and kind as well.

I have a good friend, a lovely girl. She is pretty, humorous and honesty. What's more, she is attractive and friendly to people.

I have a good friend,she's brilliant and likeabel,her words are always filled with humour and,her life is full of happyness,what's more,she is pretty and beautiful ,honest and amicable.This is my good...


I have a good friend,she's brilliant and likeabel,her words are always filled with humour and,her life is full of happyness,what's more,she is pretty and beautiful ,honest and amicable.This is my good fridend!


英语翻译我有一个好朋友,她是一个活泼可爱的女孩,她很聪明,说话幽默有趣,天天很快乐,人也很诚实,长得很漂亮,讨人喜欢,对人非常友好.我自己是这么翻译的!I have a good friend like this:she is a 英语翻译我有一个好朋友,她是一个女孩她很可爱,我们有一样的爱好我很想念她,他是我永远的朋友· 翻译 我有一个好朋友 英语翻译一个英国女孩一个美国男孩让我看看三个新朋友一个老同学一位高大强壮的表弟Sammi来自英国,她是十二岁,她是我的最后一个是 SAMMI来自英国 她是十二岁 她是我的好朋友 白话文译文言文:我有一个朋友 叫芳慧,她是我的好朋友,她很聪明,很擅长于写作,因此我把她当做我的师傅 我有一个好朋友 用英语怎么说 我有一个好朋友怎么翻译? “我有一个好朋友”英语怎么拼 用英语翻译:“我有一个好朋友,她也是我的同桌” 英语翻译我有一个好朋友.她叫徐金盈.她今年12岁了.她很瘦,很高.她十分滑稽.她最喜欢唱歌了,唱得十分好听.我们住在一个地方.所以经常一起出去玩.我十分喜欢和她在一起.我和她是很好的朋 英语翻译我有一个好朋友,但如今不幸去世,心痛犹如晴天霹雳,愿他在天堂找到一个好朋友,并很快乐我们初中读书感情很好 英语翻译哈哈...实际上是两段,不过意思差不多的 真名不说,就这样翻吧我的好朋友是XX.她是一个可爱的女孩,她今年13岁,她比我年长.她的英文名是Winky(这个就Winky).她有一个哥哥.她来自海 英语翻译翻译英文 我有一个好朋友,她的名字叫xxx.她17岁了.她中等个子而且很苗条.她的皮肤白而且有一头漂亮的长长的卷发,但是她经常把头发梳成发髻.她是一个乐观而且热心的人.她努力学 和我的好朋友做什么事最愉快?我有一个好朋友,和我的好朋友做什么事最愉快? 一个天平妹子说我跟她是好朋友,她这是有什么其他意思吗?妹子们,姐姐们,你们对一个男生说这话的时候一般是表明“有发展机会呢”,还是“我们没发展空间”? 英语翻译帮同学的,第一篇:我有一个好朋友,她的名字叫露西.露西13岁,我比她大一岁.露西有一头长长的黑色头发,乌黑的眼睛,小小的耳朵、鼻子和嘴巴.她是个很漂亮的女孩,她喜欢花,还有小 英语翻译我有一个好朋友她叫余若溪,她和我是初中同学,当然也是现在的高中同学.她是个个性开朗非常可爱的女孩,我们一直很好,尽管有一些小吵小闹,但是也不会把我们之间友谊破坏.我 写给我的一个下学期就要转学的同学的祝福语她叫“朱雯倩”她是我的好朋友谁帮我写一个 越快越好