请求分析下列句子的语法,并翻译一下,详细点的,谢谢1.many people are used to changing their cell phones for new ones once there are new models launched in the market even though their old phones can still be used.2.it is a waste of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:53:00

请求分析下列句子的语法,并翻译一下,详细点的,谢谢1.many people are used to changing their cell phones for new ones once there are new models launched in the market even though their old phones can still be used.2.it is a waste of
1.many people are used to changing their cell phones for new ones once there are new models launched in the market even though their old phones can still be used.
2.it is a waste of money to do so because it is not necessary to buy a new model which has only new functions you will never use.
3.the news was that Russia had solved the hostage crisis.
the news that Russia had solved the hostage crisis.分析下两句子的区别

请求分析下列句子的语法,并翻译一下,详细点的,谢谢1.many people are used to changing their cell phones for new ones once there are new models launched in the market even though their old phones can still be used.2.it is a waste of
1.只要市场上一发布新的型号手机,很多人就经常换,尽管他们的旧手机还可以使用.--这个句子用了2个连词,once和even though.属于普通句式.
2.换新手机这个做法是浪费钱,因为新手机就只是有新功能而已,然而你根本用不到这些功能,没必要买.--这个句子用了2个It is ...to do sth的句式.To do sth指代It,作为主语.
4.俄罗斯已经解决了人质事件的消息在扩散.--Russia had solved the hostage指代the news.crisi作为动词,意思是增长,扩散.

3.the news was that Russia had solved the hostage crisis.
the news that Russia had solved the hostage crisis.分析下两句子的区别
区别是:第一个是句子,表语从句。第二个不是句子,是一个词,定语从句用来修饰先行词the news非常感谢!那请问1,2句的语法又是什么第一个就是一...


3.the news was that Russia had solved the hostage crisis.
the news that Russia had solved the hostage crisis.分析下两句子的区别
区别是:第一个是句子,表语从句。第二个不是句子,是一个词,定语从句用来修饰先行词the news


请求分析下列句子的语法,并翻译一下,详细点的,谢谢1.many people are used to changing their cell phones for new ones once there are new models launched in the market even though their old phones can still be used.2.it is a waste of 大学英语语法分析英语好的帮我看一下第二段这一段的语法 要具体的分析语法 ,有语法的句子要具体分析,还有详细的句子分析 只要第二段的 就可以了 别弄翻译糊弄我 不要翻译! Wasn’t Sydney the host city for the Year 2000 Olympics?翻译一下句子.分析这个句子的语法知识. Give me two big ones ,please.请翻译上面的句子,并分析语法.ones的用法? the more one cares,the harder it is to get to know这个句子正确么?若正确,请分析这句话的语法结构,并翻译一下.所错误,请指出错在哪里? 英语翻译并分析一下句子成分语法. 帮忙分析几个英语句子的句子成分,并详细的翻译一下!比如句子中有短语或成语找出来翻译一下.加引号部分是最不理解的,请帮忙分成几个部分,详细讲一下,谢谢!我自己查词典翻译时总是很不 the same as的用法so it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.请求详细分析一下这句话的语法成分尤其是in the same context as creativity and innovation. 翻译it is not the value of the gift that is important 并讲一下这个句子的语法结构 请英语朋友帮我解释一下这个句子,句义跟语法,越详细越好,a man can never have too many ties;a woman can't have too many hats.这是同一个类型的句子,麻烦给我翻译一下并说一下语法之类的.thx! 帮忙翻译个句子,最好分析一下语法Dying is the day worth living for . 请求分析as might be expected 的语法结构! 谁给我翻译一下!the repairs cost a lot ,but it's money well spent 并给我分析一下后半句的语法.. 一个复杂的英语句子结构的分析---高手进He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots,请详细分析句子结构.并翻译. 一个复杂的英语句子结构的分析---在线He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots,请详细分析句子结构.并翻译,谢谢 翻译下列英语句子,并分析其语法Its target customers were large corporations,and the concept of customer value was that of centrally-controlled photocopying. 其中的was that of centrally-controlled photocopying 是什么语法啊,that后 She won the first prize,awarded to only one among 20 speech contestants.请分析一下这句的语法谢谢不是要翻译呀,是要分析一下这个句子的语法! one road goes high above another谁能帮我分析一下这句句子的语法?这句句子怎么翻译?要加which?