哪位计算机英语人才帮我翻译以下几段有关计算机的英语文章4Geometrical work of Ng et al. Intending to provide an animation tool that would quickly produce images of clothed objects, Ng et al.11,12 proposed a modeling techniq

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 13:24:28

哪位计算机英语人才帮我翻译以下几段有关计算机的英语文章4Geometrical work of Ng et al. Intending to provide an animation tool that would quickly produce images of clothed objects, Ng et al.11,12 proposed a modeling techniq
Geometrical work of Ng et al.
Intending to provide an animation tool that would quickly produce images of clothed objects, Ng et al.11,12 proposed a modeling technique that closely associated the cloth layer with the shape of the underlying skin layer. The two layers consist of a series of sections with identical numbers of vertices on each layer. Figure 7 Shows the data structure.
To support the important role that folds play in giving cloth a realistic appearance, an algorithm was devised to generate them by using gaps between the cloth and skin layers. The algorithm is based on the idea that folds are likely to occur where the cloth is slack. Once the position of a fold line has been generated, sinusoidal functions are mapped along the line to mimic natural folds (see Figure 8).
The technique incorporates an interactive editor called Geoff (Geometrical Editor for Fold Formation), which gives the user considerable control over fold generation. Folds also occur as a result of the underlying structural formations. For instance, when an arm is bent, folds are likely to occur on the sleeve near the bend. Therefore, a set of rules was developed to generate fold lines automatically. The user can modify these fold lines via the editor. Attributes are allocated to each fold line to support individual patterns and simple animations. The technique is very fast since there are no complex equations to be solved.

哪位计算机英语人才帮我翻译以下几段有关计算机的英语文章4Geometrical work of Ng et al. Intending to provide an animation tool that would quickly produce images of clothed objects, Ng et al.11,12 proposed a modeling techniq
几何仪等工作.拟提供动画图像制作工具,它将很快衣物体 内皮al.11仪说,12提出了建模技术密切相关的布料层与皮肤层基本形状.两个层次构成了一系列具有相同路段每一层有多少个顶点.图7显示了数据结构.支持可发挥重要作用,褶皱布料实际外观 他们设计制造的一种算法是用布料和表层差距.算法是以观念倍易发布凡不力.一旦线位置已产生了褶皱,绘制正弦函数线沿线模仿自然倍(见图8).交互式技术结合称为编辑杰夫(编辑几何倍平整) 让使用者产生相当的控制力倍.由于褶皱也发生了结构性的科系.例如,当手臂一心,就可能发生褶皱袖弯附近.因此,开发了一套规则,自动生成褶皱系.用户可以通过改变这些褶皱系编辑.属性分配给每个折线支持个体图案简单动画.该技术是非常快由于没有复杂的方程来解决.

哪位计算机英语人才帮我翻译以下几段有关计算机的英语文章4Geometrical work of Ng et al. Intending to provide an animation tool that would quickly produce images of clothed objects, Ng et al.11,12 proposed a modeling techniq 哪位大神能帮我翻译几段文字啊~谢谢啦~ 哪位英语高手给我几段描写帅哥的话 英语翻译我特别想知道 他说的是什么,我希望哪位人才能帮我翻译一下最好全文的. 哪位好心人教我计算机英语 哪位人才,快一点帮我解答下! 哪位帮我做以下这两道题〜 帮我翻译几句英语句子. 哪位高手能帮我翻译以下这个 Neither Sustainable nor Development: 请英语翻译的高手,能帮我翻译几段英语吗?谢谢了!worn-out brake rings (slot opening 帮我翻译几句英语!写英文喔! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjUyOTkwNjA4.html这段 急需哪位帮我翻译一下以下文字,要在7:30之前翻译完,谢谢大家了!:早上读了一小时英语,然后给同学李...急需哪位帮我翻译一下以下文字,要在7:30之前翻译完,谢谢大家了!:早上读了一小时英语, 帮我翻译一下这段英语作文 Feel better alone.帮我翻译这段英语 哪位朋友可以告诉我几段有关数学家的趣闻轶事.我急需几段有关数学家的趣闻轶事,短小一点的, 帮我翻译以下句子, 初中英语范文哪位能帮我提供几篇与生活有关的英语范文(至少5篇,120字左右) 请问哪位高手能帮我翻译一下以下这段文字(中翻英)请从字面上逐字翻译以下这段文字(但要符合语法规则哦):本文章从信息技术与课程课程整合的历史背景、整合的意义、整合的模式出发,以