挑挑这句英语的毛病(初二的)My father often comes to the office early and he is never late for work.(这句话是对的)never能换成hardly吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:37:20

挑挑这句英语的毛病(初二的)My father often comes to the office early and he is never late for work.(这句话是对的)never能换成hardly吗?
My father often comes to the office early and he is never late for work.(这句话是对的)never能换成hardly吗?

挑挑这句英语的毛病(初二的)My father often comes to the office early and he is never late for work.(这句话是对的)never能换成hardly吗?


几乎不就用hardly 你想换也可以的,意思稍微有些不一样而已



挑挑这句英语的毛病(初二的)My father often comes to the office early and he is never late for work.(这句话是对的)never能换成hardly吗? 各路豪侠可不可以帮我挑挑这篇英语自我的毛病!急用!Good morning It is really my honor to have this opportunity for this compete.I hope I can make a good performance today.I'm confident that I can succeed.Now i will introduce mysel 帮我给这句英语挑挑毛病首先告诉我英语有没有毛病,如果有,告诉我毛病在哪.either前面能用are吗?我觉得好像不能用.Condidates who intervier badly are either talk too little or never stop taking.They are either ove 我是多么想念童年住在北京城南的那些景色和人物啊!挑挑毛病,把句子改通顺 如何才能写好英语六级写作小弟特别希望可以提高自身的英语六级写作水平,所以希望各位英语高手可以帮小弟一把.感激涕零~以下便是小弟写的一篇作文,希望各位大侠都够帮我“挑挑毛病” The canel's body changes the food into fat.这句英语的翻译 高中语文鸿门宴默写的考点帮忙挑挑经常考的几句 我刚刚写的英文日记,帮我看看,挑挑毛病顺便评价一下,我不怕批评的,只要中肯,谢谢了.Today, I decide to write English diary every day. Of course my aim is to improve my English.I’m so lazy that I didn’t write too much 一个英语作文求改错马丁知道大卫考试没有通过给他写一封安慰信,我的英语不好,希望知道自己哪里语法有不足求英语达人帮挑挑毛病,Dear David:I am sorry to hear of that you couldn't pass that examination. 能不能帮我挑挑英语作文的毛病,分很低,我也不知道哪里错了,是时态还是动词还是句子不对?作文如下本人作文如下Dear editor,I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether it is necessary fo 英语作文.my future 初二的 艺璇, 求个发音相近的英文名 (最好多几个让我挑挑 谢谢) 请给这段话挑挑毛病现在,格律理论五花八门,我们如何判断它们的优劣呢?笔者认为,最重要的有三点:第一、 格律理论必须名副其实.如果一套格律是后人编制的,就不要叫它“古典诗律”.古 带有关联词错误毛病的病句 带有关联词错误毛病的病句10句 friend,my family,my mother ,my feaver sport,My habit,各5句以上的英语作文,要初二水平的 自己写了个英语自我介绍,望各位高手能帮我挑挑其中的语法毛病,Good afternoon,My name is Liubin.It’s my first year in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology as a graduate student.My undergraduate major is Industria 同义句转换.(急)初二的英语 我的自行车出了点毛病 用英语怎么说There is________ my bike每空词数不限