
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:49:06


"Paradise on earth", also known as the Hawaiian Islands, a pleasant climate and scenery of airports, is embedded in the central part of the South Pacific shining pearl, with a total area of over 16,000 square kilometers, The United States is also one of the final state -- the 50th state. From the Hawaiian Islands comprising 132 islands. One of the most attractive island : Oahu I., also known as the Island of Hawaii Big Island, Mao-Iraq Island, a lovely island and Maluokai Island. Hawaii has the world's most beautiful beaches, mountain linked, and the coastline is quite striking. , And the coastline has a total length of 200 kilometers, the total length of the beach 298 km, there will be as long as 40 km of the natural bathing beaches. America's Best Beach, Hawaii has six. Here the clear blue of the water so that tourists always praised. White, yellow, black and green or even the beach, embedded throughout the islands constitute an exquisite rate wonderful landscape. Some beaches depth of strong winds and huge waves rolling on the ground, and is an excellent venue for surfing. Hawaii exceptional climatic conditions, and creating a mix of the natural landscape. In this confused place arbitrary nature of the uncanny workmanship carved sway the Earth, and all kinds of things here enrichment. Unique climate, beautiful natural scenery and the people of Hawaii and the hospitality of the "Casino spirit" of Hawaii has become a tourist destination in three great conditions. Today from people around the world, can feel her unique and lively temperament and style.有「人间天堂」之称的夏威夷群岛,气候宜人,风光迤逦,是镶嵌於南太平洋中部的璀璨明珠,总面积一万六千多平方公里,同时也是美国的最后一州——第五十州.夏威夷群岛由132个岛组成.其中最吸引人的岛屿为:瓦胡岛、夏威夷岛又称大岛,茂伊岛,可爱岛和摩洛凯岛. 夏威夷拥有世界上最迷人的海滩,山海相连,海岸线曲折多变.,海岸线总长度有1,200公里,沙滩总长度为298公里,有长达40公里的天然海滩浴场.全美的十佳海滩,夏威夷占有六个.这里湛蓝清澈的 海水总是令游客赞叹不已.白色、黄色,甚至黑色和绿色的沙滩,镶嵌在群岛各处,构成一幅幅美妙绝伦的风景画.有些海滩水深风大,巨浪翻滚,是冲浪的绝佳场所. 夏威夷得天独厚的气候条件,造就了千姿百态的自然景观.在这方寸之地,大自然的鬼斧神工任意雕琢挥洒,地球上各种景物在这里浓缩. 得天独厚的气候,美丽的自然风光与夏威夷人的热情好客的「阿罗哈精神」是夏威夷之所以成为旅游胜地的三大条件.今天来自世界各地的人们,都能感受到她那与众不同、多姿多彩的气质与风格.