
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:10:32


Our family is not wealthy and my husband has paid all his money to the United States Consul,but they never considered to give us a chance.We are very sorry on the money problem.We really hope you can understand Our situation.What's worse.My husband has gradually lost confidence in it.He starts to think about giving up.He does not want to believe anyone anymore.I don't know what to do.My heart is as painful as his,but I have never considered to give up.I have no choice but to rely on myself.I have to try my best to do it.Could you tell me how much opportunity I have to let me and my husband reunite?One more question,how much money I need to pay for this case?
Thankyou very much.

首先bless you.
We are not rich, and my husband has paid all his money to the U.S. Consulate. However, they never try to give us a chance. I am so sorry that I hope you can understand our financial d...


首先bless you.
We are not rich, and my husband has paid all his money to the U.S. Consulate. However, they never try to give us a chance. I am so sorry that I hope you can understand our financial difficulty. My husband almost has no confidence even thinks of giving up. He doesn't trust anybody and I don't what to do. As him, I am suffered too. Though I never think about giving up, I have to rely on myself and do my best. Could you please tell me what is the case's chance to let us reunion? Finally, how much do we need to pay?
Thanks a lot.


We are not a wealthy family. My husband has given all his money to the America Consular Officer, but they never thought about giving us a chance....


We are not a wealthy family. My husband has given all his money to the America Consular Officer, but they never thought about giving us a chance.
We apologize. We hope our financial difficulty can gain your consideration. My husband has lost his confidence and is now wanting to give up. He now trusts no one and I don't know what to do anymore.
I am agonizing just like him but I never thought about giving up. I must depend on myself and try my best. Please let me know the chance of me winning this case which will bring my husband and me together.
Lastly, how much will this case cost?
Thank you very much.



We are not a wealthy family, and my husband have spent all his money on the American Consul, but they never thought to give us a chance. I am sorry, I hope you can understand our financial problems, b...


We are not a wealthy family, and my husband have spent all his money on the American Consul, but they never thought to give us a chance. I am sorry, I hope you can understand our financial problems, but my husband has no the gradual loss of confidence, he began to think negatively, give up. He do not want to believe anybody, I do not know how to do that. I would also be like him, very painful, but I never thought of giving up, I had no choice but rely on their own, and the best of my ability to do so. Can I have a little one cases of this opportunity to let me and my husband to reunite? Finally I would like to ask in that case, how much money need to pay?
Thank you very much


英语翻译我们不是一个富裕的家庭,而我先生已付出了他所有的金钱给美国领事,但他们从来也没有想过给我们一个机会.很对不起,希望请你体谅我们金钱上的问题,而且我先生已经续渐失去信 英语翻译卡特太太说“我们不是很富裕,维持一个家庭许多东西要花钱(直接引语) 英语翻译我的家庭我家有四口人,我的父母和我,还一个非常调皮的妹妹.我在高中以前我们家并不富裕,我妈妈曾跟我说你要是成绩不好就去种田算了,我知道她只是想以此激励我,事实上我高中 比喻家庭富裕的成语有哪些? 用一个成语或四字词语形容一个及其富裕的家庭多多益善, 一个正常家庭(3人)每个月平均用水量是多少?是比较富裕的一个城市里的家庭 翻译“他出生在一个富裕的家庭,可他并不满足那样的生活.” 修改病句 茨威格是奥地利作家,生于一个犹太企业主的富裕家庭 英语翻译什么是幸福的家庭,一百个人有一百个梦想.对于贫穷的家庭来说,可能他们认为富裕的家庭是最幸福的.对于缺少爱的家庭来说,他们最向往的是温情脉脉的家而对于富贵而产生种种麻 英语翻译1.上海被郊区所环绕.(surround)2.我们已经到达了我们今年的目标.(achieve)3.他家安排他娶了一位来自富裕家庭的女孩.(arrange for)4.我想今天晚上庆祝一下,因为我最后通过了考试.(feel lik 我想改变,实现梦想!我14岁,是一个简单的女孩,爱笑,很快乐,家庭不算富裕,长的也不是很出众成,绩也一般般,也不高才150,但是很瘦,吃的很多,胖不起来,他们说营养不良,我也觉得,我爱唱歌,不是 英语翻译:我认为家庭富裕也应该节约用钱. 英语翻译我的梦想是能够靠自己建立一个家庭,这个家庭不需要太富有,但是家庭成员都能爱着彼此,并且这样幸福而健康地生活. 英语翻译1.站在窗边的那个人是李先生2.在这劳动的农民都很富裕3.你认识正在那边读报的年轻人吗?4.这是通向车站的路5.在屋子里唱歌的女生是我妹妹6.我们都不想与正在看电视的女人讲话 我们努力工作是为了使我们的国家更富裕 英语翻译 英语翻译我出生于1988年,那是中国还不是太富裕,所以,我的祖父就给我起这个名字的寓意是振兴国家! 如果只是国家富裕,而人民贫穷,那么强大的国家、强大的政府,又能给我们带来什么好处?是任何一个公民所希望 “我有一个幸福的家庭”怎么用英语翻译?