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Mother's Day History
Origin of Mother's Day goes back to the era of ancient Greek and Romans.But the roots of Mother's Day history can also be traced in UK where a Mothering Sunday was celebrated much before the festival saw the light of the day in US.However,the celebration of the festival as it is seen today is a recent phenomenon and not even a hundred years old.Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times,Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence.Today the festival of Mothers day is celebrated across 46 countries (though on different dates) and is a hugely popular affair.Millions of people across the globe take the day as an opportunity to honor their mothers,thank them for their efforts in giving them life,raising them and being their constant support and well wisher.
Earliest History of Mothers Day
The earliest history of Mothers Day dates back to the ancient annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to maternal goddesses.The Greeks used the occasion to honor Rhea,wife of Cronus and the mother of many deities of Greek mythology.
Ancient Romans,too,celebrated a spring festival,called Hilaria dedicated to Cybele,a mother goddess.It may be noted that ceremonies in honour of Cybele began some 250 years before Christ was born.The celebration made on the Ides of March by making offerings in the temple of Cybele lasted for three days and included parades,games and masquerades.The celebrations were notorious enough that followers of Cybele were banished from Rome.
Early Christians celebrated a Mother's Day of sorts during the festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary,the Mother of Christ.In England the holiday was expanded to include all mothers.It was then called Mothering Sunday.
Fathers' Day
In the 1900s,Fathers’ Day was created when Sonora Louise Smart Dodd wanted to express her deep appreciation to her own father,William Smart,who was widowed when his wife died at giaing binfh.Mr.Smart raised his six children on a rural farm in eastern Washington State.When Ms.Dodd was grown she wanted to show her appreciation to her father.So,in 1909,she proposed a day to honor her father in June (the month of her father's birth).
The very first Fathers' Day followed on June 19,1910 in Spokane,Washington.In 1924,President Calvin Coolidge showed support of this becoming a national holiday.However,it wasn't until 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson officially proclaimed Fathers' Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June.