
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:08:03

城堡前的一段坡路称为卡斯希尔,再向下便改称劳恩玛卡特路了.从这条路与乔治二世桥路的交叉口开始又称海街.此处附近图书馆与书店较多,法院与圣贾尔斯大 教堂更是营造出一种庄严的气氛.但继续向东,餐厅与礼品店渐渐多起来,街道也变得嘈杂喧闹.下了坡之后,行人逐渐稀疏,周围多是中世纪的建筑,这便到了卡 农凯特路.当道路两侧的房屋逐渐稀少之时,在路的对过便可见到圣十字架宫了.

Mperial Family Mai Main Road
in the Scotland language,the city which or the village encircles by the city wall is called “Burra”.Edinburgh's original Ze sound is “loves Ding Burra”,here past once was one all around for the city wall encirclement city.With this same,“Burra” still completely retains until now take present's Saint cross palace as the center.Connects these two “Burra” is imperial family Mai the main road.not only here retained the past street's original condition,but also has the numerous scenic spots,therefore the tourist is continuous.With the Si avenue sincere (i.e.new town) corresponds take Purin west as central Niu,area this is called Ou De sincere (i.e.old city).other,imperial family Mai the main road is only the popular name,actually it is links by four avenues becomes.before castle's section of sloping roads are called Kasi Hill,then renamed Rauen Ma downward again the Carter road.Starts from this road and the George two th bridge connection's road intersection to call the sea street.Here nearby library and the bookstore are many,the court and the Saint Giles cathedral build one dignified atmosphere.But continues to the east,the dining room and the gift shop are gradually many,the street also becomes makes noise noisily.After having gotten down the slope,the pedestrian is sparse gradually,the surroundings many are the middle ages construction,this then arrived at the card agriculture Kate road.When the path both sides' house is scarce gradually,to has then been possible to see the Saint cross palace in the road.in imperial family Mai on the main road,you may arrive at the atmosphere good dining room or the bar sits,may also choose Scotland's local product present.However,if wants to stroll returns to all scenic spots,but needs the patience and the time.

英语翻译皇家麦尔大道在苏格兰语中,由城墙围起来的城市或村庄称为“伯拉”.爱丁堡的原泽音为“爱丁伯拉”,这里过去就曾是一个四周为城墙环绕的城市.与此相同,以现在的圣十字架宫为 英语翻译苏格兰调情 英语翻译或者 里水镇里水大道中8号 从客家大道怎么去赣州古城墙? 皇家马德里Real Madred中Real怎么解释?英语里是真实的意思,难道在西班牙语里是皇家? 圆明园在北京西北郊,是一座举世闻名的皇家园林.他由圆明园、文昌鱼 苏格兰银行 在中国哪里有苏格兰银行啊? 英语翻译“20镑背面是英国19世纪物理学家、化学家麦克尔·法拉第肖像,左侧则是他在皇家学会演讲时的场景” 英语翻译“Casino Royale”为什么大家都翻译成“皇家赌场” 或“皇家夜总会”?“royale” 不是皇家的意思,我在英国买吃的的时候,有个食物里有“royale” 这个词,所以产生了疑问.字典里“royale 请问在英国地理中所说的英格兰.苏格兰.爱尔兰是什么关系?谢谢 英语翻译皇家舰队如何翻译成英语? “大道之行也”中大道是什么意思? 威士忌与白兰地我这里有三瓶酒,一瓶是芝华士12年苏格兰威士忌,700ml,40%vol,原产国是英国,由芝华士兄弟公司在苏格兰酿制和灌装,经销商是保乐力加(中国)经贸有限公司.另一瓶是轩尼诗VSO “鹿”在皇家象征什么意义? 以前北京城老城墙在什么地方 苏格兰威士忌主要是由()制成的? 汉译英:英国由英格兰,苏格兰,北爱尔兰和威尔士组成 立 ( )立 1、天安门城楼高高( )在城墙中央.2、天安门广场中() 着一根电...立 ( )立 1、天安门城楼高高( )在城墙中央.2、天安门广场中() 着一根电动旗杆.