
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:14:00


First,insist on washing the face with cold water,which is refreshing and gets you into a great mood,not only strengthening your resistance against cold but also prevent you from catching cold.
  Second,go in for a proper amount of outdoor activities,which is important in winter and can prevent the occurence of chilblain.
  Third,wash the feet with hot water,which has a double function of both keeping warm and inducing sleep at night.

first, insist on using cold water to wash the face: using cold water can refresh the mind as well as build up a resistence towards the cold and prevent colds.
second, suitable outdoor activities: ...


first, insist on using cold water to wash the face: using cold water can refresh the mind as well as build up a resistence towards the cold and prevent colds.
second, suitable outdoor activities: outdoor activities during winter is very important. it can prevent frostbites
thrid, use warm water to wash feet at night: it can help keep the body warm and helps you fall asleep.


first, keep washing face with cold water, it uplifts your mental state, develops your bearability to cold, avoids the chance to have a cold.
second, atend to proper ourdoor activity to prevent chilblain
third, footbath with warm water before going to bed. it keeps you warm and helps you to fall asleep.