work 开头的词组请写出WORK开头的词组 回答形式如:work for 前进,有助于请写出大量的关于work这样的词组 记住是以work开头的打错了 work for不是前进,有助于要很多词组,不要这么一点点 我要

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:39:20

work 开头的词组请写出WORK开头的词组 回答形式如:work for 前进,有助于请写出大量的关于work这样的词组 记住是以work开头的打错了 work for不是前进,有助于要很多词组,不要这么一点点 我要
work 开头的词组
请写出WORK开头的词组 回答形式如:work for 前进,有助于
请写出大量的关于work这样的词组 记住是以work开头的
打错了 work for不是前进,有助于
要很多词组,不要这么一点点 我要弄复习材料的

work 开头的词组请写出WORK开头的词组 回答形式如:work for 前进,有助于请写出大量的关于work这样的词组 记住是以work开头的打错了 work for不是前进,有助于要很多词组,不要这么一点点 我要
work for 是前进? 是为...工作吧.
work as 任...职
work on致力于...
work at从事...工作
work hard努力工作
work hard at为.努力工作
work with和...在一起工作

work out解决
at work 在工作忙于
out of work 失业
work out 算出
work on 继续工作


wɜːk; wək/ v (pt, pp worked or, in archaic use, esp in sense 7, wrought 古语拼作wrought, 尤用於下述第7义 / rɔːt; rɔt/)
[I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away) (at/on sth); ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (un...


wɜːk; wək/ v (pt, pp worked or, in archaic use, esp in sense 7, wrought 古语拼作wrought, 尤用於下述第7义 / rɔːt; rɔt/)
[I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away) (at/on sth); ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (under sb) do work; engage in physical or mental activity 做工作; 从事体力劳动或脑力劳动: Most people have to work in order to live, ie to earn a living. 大多数人均须工作以维持生活. * She isn't working now, eg because she is unemployed or retired. 她现在不工作了(如已失业或退休). * I've been working (away) (at my essay) all day. 我整天都在(不停地)做着(我的论文). * The miners work (for) 38 hours per week. 这些矿工每星期工作(达)38小时. * He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一部新小说. * She works for an engineering company. 她在一家工程技术公司工作. * I've worked under her (ie with her as my boss) for two years. 我在她手下工作两年了. * This craftsman works in leather, ie makes leather goods, etc. 这个手艺人是做皮货的.
[Ipr, It] ~ against/for sth make efforts to defeat sth or to achieve sth 努力反对某事物或促成某事物: work against reform 竭力反对改革 * a statesman who works for peace 为争取和平而努力的政治家 * The committee is working to get the prisoners freed. 委员会正尽力搭救那些遭监禁的人出狱.
(a) [I] (of a machine, device, etc) function; operate (指机器﹑ 设备等)运作, 运转: a lift, bell, switch that doesn't work 失灵的电梯﹑ 电铃﹑ 开关 * The gears work smoothly. 这个传动装置运转很灵活. * This machine works by electricity. 这台机器是电动的. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb/sth) have the desired result or effect (on sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])产生预期的结果或作用: Did the cleaning fluid work (on that stain)? ie Did it remove it? 这种洗涤剂(对那块污斑)管用吗? * My plan worked, and I got them to agree. 我的想法奏效了, 我让他们同意了. * His charm doesn't work on me, ie doesn't affect or impress me. 他的魅力对我不起作用.
[Tn,] cause (oneself/sb/sth) to work; set (sth) in motion 使(自己[某人/某事物])工作; 开动(某物): She works herself too hard. 她把自己累坏了. * Do you know how to work a lathe? 你会开车床吗? * This machine is worked by electricity. 这台机器是电动的. * Don't work your employees to death. 别把你的雇员都累死.
[Tn] manage or operate (sth) to gain benefit from it 管理或经营(某事物)(以获利): work a mine, an oil well 经营一个矿﹑ 一个油井 * He works the North Wales area, eg as a salesman. 他在北威尔士地区做生意(如当推销员).
[Tn] produce or obtain (sth) as a result of effort; effect 努力产生或获得(某事物); 使奏效: work harm, mischief, havoc 造成伤害﹑ 损害﹑ 毁坏 * work a cure, change, miracle 获得痊愈﹑ 产生变化﹑ 创造奇迹.
[Tn,] ~ sth (into sth) make or shape sth by hammering, kneading, pressing, etc (用锤﹑ 揉﹑ 压等方法)制作某物或给某物定形: work gold, iron, etc 打制金器﹑ 铁器等 * work clay, ie knead it with water 捏黏土 * work dough, ie when making bread 揉面团 * work the mixture into a paste 把这种混合物调成糊状 * iron worked into ingots 铸成锭的铁. Cf 参看 wrought.
[Tn,] ~ sth (on sth) make sth by stitching; embroider sth 缝制或?制某物: work (a design on) a cushion-cover 缝制软垫的套(把图案?在软垫的套上) * work one's initials on a handkerchief把自己名字的首字母?在手绢儿上.
[I] (of yeast) ferment (指酵)发酵.
[I] (of sb's features) move violently; twitch (指人的五官)抽动, 扭曲: His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food. 他使劲儿把食物咽下去, 嘴唇都扭曲起来. * Her face worked as she stared at him in terror. 她惊恐地注视着他, 脸也吓得抽动起来.
[Ipr, Ip,, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move, pass, etc into a new position, usu gradually or with an effort (使某物)移动到﹑ 经过...新的位置(通常指逐渐地或费力地): Rain has worked in through the roof. 雨水透过房顶逐渐渗进屋子里. * The back of your shirt has worked out of your trousers. 你衬衫的後摆已经抻到裤子外边来了. * Work the stick into the hole. 把棍子慢慢插进洞里. * The story is too serious can't you work a few jokes in? 这个故事太正经八百了--你能不能插进几个笑话?
[La, Cn.a] (cause sth/sb to) become (free, loose, etc) through pressure, vibration, etc (使某事物[某人])(通过压挤﹑ 振动等)变(松脱﹑ 松动等): I was tied up, but managed to work (myself) free. 我被捆绑起来, 但设法挣脱开了. * The screw worked (itself) loose. 那个螺丝钉松了. * There's a piece of wood jammed under the door can you work it clear? 有块木头挤在门下面了--你能把它弄掉吗?
(idm 习语) work it, things, etc (infml 口) arrange matters 把事情办成: Can you work it so that we get free tickets? 你能不能给我们弄几张免费票? * How did you work that? 你是怎麽办成的? (For other idioms containing work see entries for ns, etc 与work搭配的其他习语见有关名词等的词条, 如 work to rule => rule; work one's way => way1.)
(phr v) work around/round to sth/sb gradually approach (a topic, subject, etc) 逐渐接近(一话题﹑ 问题等): It was a long time before he worked around to what he really wanted to say. 他说了半天才绕到他真正要说的问题上来.
work sth off get rid of sth by work or activity (通过工作或活动)除去, 消除: work off a large bank loan 还清银行大笔贷款 * work off one's anger on sb 把怒气发泄在某人身上 * work off excess weight by regular exercise 经常锻炼以减轻不正常的体重.
work out (a) develop in a specified way; turn out 按某种方式发展; 结果: How will things work out? 事情将成什麽样子呢? * Things worked out quite well. 事情的结果很不错. (b) train the body by heavy physical exercise 做大运动量的锻炼: I work out regulary to keep fit. 我经常努力锻炼身体以保持健康. (c) be capable of being solved 能够解决: a sum, problem, etc that won't work out 解决不了的算术题﹑ 问题等. work sb out understand sb's nature 了解某人的禀性: I've never been able to work her out. 我一向无法了解她. work sth out (a) calculate sth 计算; 算出: I've worked out your share of the expenses at 10. 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑. (b) find the answer to sth; solve sth 找出处理某事物的方法; 解决某事物: work out a problem, puzzle, coded message, etc 弄明白一难题﹑ 疑问﹑ 密码信息等 * Can you work out what these squiggles mean? 你能辩认出这些潦草的字迹是什麽意思吗? (c) devise sth; plan sth 设计某事物; 计画某事物: a well worked-out scheme 精心设计的方法 * The general worked out a new plan of attack. 将军制定出了新的进攻方案. (d) (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) exhaust (a mine, etc) by taking out the ore, etc 挖尽(矿产等): a worked-out silver mine 挖尽了的银矿. work out at sth be equal to sth; have sth as a total 等於; 总计为: The total works out at 10. 总数为10英镑. * What does your share of the bonus work out at? 算出你应得的红利是多少?
work sb over (sl 俚) beat sb all over, eg to make him give information 痛打某人(如为逼出情报): He'd been worked over by the gang for giving information to the police. 他向警方提供情报而遭那群歹徒毒打.
work round to sth/sb => work around / round to sth/sb.
work to sth follow (a plan, etc) 按(计画等)办事: Be careful with the money and work to a budget. 花钱需小心, 要按预算办事. * Journalists have to work to tight deadlines, ie have little time in which to do their work. 新闻工作者须在极有限的时间内工作.
work towards sth strive to reach or achieve sth 努力达到或完成某事物: We're working towards common objectives. 我们正在为达到共同的目标而努力.
work sth up (a) develop or improve sth gradually 逐步发展或改进某事物: work up a business 逐步发展生意 * working up custom for our products 逐渐扩展我们产品的用户范围. (b) increase sth in numbers or strength 增加某事物的数目或强度: working up support for the party 增强对该党的支持力量. work sb/oneself up (into sth) rouse sb/oneself to a state of excitement 使某人[自己]激动起来: work sb into a rage, frenzy, etc 使某人大怒﹑ 发狂等 * Don't work yourself up/get worked up about something so trivial. 不要为这点小事大动肝火. work sth up into sth bring sth to a more complete or more satisfactory state 使某事物达到较全面或满意的状态: I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文. work up to sth develop to (a climax, etc) 发展到(顶峰等): The music worked up to a rousing finale. 该乐曲达到激动人心的高潮而结束.
# `work-in n (usu sing 通常作单数) form of protest in which workers occupy and run a factory, etc which is due to be closed 工人为反对工厂关闭而接管工厂的抗议形式.
,working-`over n (usu sing 通常作单数) (sl 俚) physical beating of a person 殴打某人: give sb a thorough working-over 把某人痛打一顿.
`work-out n period of intensive physical training 高强度体育锻炼(期间): a boxer who has a work-out in the gym every day 每天都在健身房苦练的拳击手.
,work-to-`rule n form of protest by workers, in which they adhere strictly to the rules made by their employers and refuse to work overtime, etc 按章工作(工作人员严格按照雇主规定的章程办事, 拒不加班等的抗议形式

收起 hard out round to sth/sb on

work for 是前进??? 是为...工作吧