英语翻译下面是一个人的听力独白 Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary.My face is ordinary,my voice is ordinary,my clothes are ordinary.Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say.N

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:46:08

英语翻译下面是一个人的听力独白 Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary.My face is ordinary,my voice is ordinary,my clothes are ordinary.Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say.N
Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary.My face is ordinary,my voice is ordinary,my clothes are ordinary.Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say.Now look at that man two rows in front.He's not ordinary.In fact I can't see anybody apart from me who is.Even this fellow next to me.Quite ordinary on the whole,I suppose.But there's something a bit ...something a bit odd about his mouth.Mustn't catch his eye.Might start a conversation.Don't want that.Interesting that he was just in front of me in the queue.
They looked in his bag,they looked in his pockets—made him take his shoes off even.Mm—they've nearly finished with the food—though she didn't take my glass when she collected my tray.Ah—she's pressed her button again.Probably wants another gin and tonic.Had four already.Or is it five?Not bad,though.At least not in this light.Good—some of them are getting their blankets down now.I reckon that in about half an hour it'll all be quiet.And then ...Of course they looked in my briefcase too.Didn't look here,though,did they?Oh,no.Hah!Though they think otherwise,I know very well who those two in the back row are.Noticed them when I went to the toilet.But they won't shoot.Not as long as I have this in my hand,they won't.And it's so small.Marvellous what they can do these days.Just about now,if I were sitting in funny mouth's seat and not by the aisle—just about now,I could probably look down and see the mountains gleaming in the moonlight.I like that.Mm.Well,now I must go over my speech again.Mustn't forget what my demands are,must

英语翻译下面是一个人的听力独白 Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary.My face is ordinary,my voice is ordinary,my clothes are ordinary.Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say.N
WHO:他叫 Frank,依据为:Everything about me is ordinary.'What's Frank like?' they say.'Frank?Oh—you know,ordinary.' they say
“though she didn't take my glass when she collected my tray
she's pressed her button again.Probably wants another gin and tonic”空姐收拾旅客餐具
Some of them are getting their blankets down now.I reckon that in about half an hour it'll all be quiet.旅客准备休息
if I were sitting in funny mouth's seat and not by the aisle—just about now,I could probably look down and see the mountains gleaming in the moonlight.I like that.说话者想向下欣赏月下的山峦
还有“go over”“对...进行)仔细检查、复习”的意思.

每个人都认为我是平凡的。我相貌平平,我声音无奇。我穿着平凡。关于我的一切都是平凡。当大家问:Frank怎么样? 哦!你懂得,他很平凡。他们这样回答。现在看看那个在前两排的男人!他是不平凡的。事实上除了我自己我看不到他是谁。甚至在我隔壁的人。总体而言,我想,太普通了。但是他嘴巴有点奇怪。他一定不能引人注目。他可能在开始交谈。别想了。有趣的是他刚刚就排在我前面。


每个人都认为我是平凡的。我相貌平平,我声音无奇。我穿着平凡。关于我的一切都是平凡。当大家问:Frank怎么样? 哦!你懂得,他很平凡。他们这样回答。现在看看那个在前两排的男人!他是不平凡的。事实上除了我自己我看不到他是谁。甚至在我隔壁的人。总体而言,我想,太普通了。但是他嘴巴有点奇怪。他一定不能引人注目。他可能在开始交谈。别想了。有趣的是他刚刚就排在我前面。
大家看看他的包包,看他的口袋,甚至使他脱下鞋子。嗯。他们都几乎吃完了东西。尽管她在收拾烟灰缸时,没有拿走我的杯子。啊!她又在按按钮了。很有可能她想再点一份松子酒和滋补品。她已经享用四分 或者是第五份?不是那么糟糕!至少从这个角度来看不糟糕!很棒,有些人正放下毯子。我猜想半小时后会很宁静。当然后来他们也查看了我的公文包。他们没看到这里,是吗?哦!是的!呵呵!尽管他们在想别处,我非常了解那两个在后排的人。我是在去厕所的时候注意了他们一下。但是他们没有开枪。只要我不没有东西在手,他们就不会开枪。那个东西很小。他们最近做了很多了不起的事。就在刚刚,如果我坐在出口处而不是在过道,我就可以看看下面,看月光照耀着的山峦。我喜欢那样。现在我不得不再次结束我的演说。不要忘记我的要求是什么!不会忘记的对不?

终于翻译完了 !望采纳!谢谢


每个人都同意,我只是普通的。我的脸是普通的,我的声音是普通的,我的衣服都是普通的。关于我的一切是普通的。 “什么是弗兰克喜欢吗?”他们说。 “弗兰克?哦,你知道,普通的。“他们说。现在看,在前面两行的人。他不是普通的。事实上,我不能看到我的人除了是谁。即使这家伙在我旁边。整体上很普通,我想。但还有一些位...一点关于他的嘴奇的...


每个人都同意,我只是普通的。我的脸是普通的,我的声音是普通的,我的衣服都是普通的。关于我的一切是普通的。 “什么是弗兰克喜欢吗?”他们说。 “弗兰克?哦,你知道,普通的。“他们说。现在看,在前面两行的人。他不是普通的。事实上,我不能看到我的人除了是谁。即使这家伙在我旁边。整体上很普通,我想。但还有一些位...一点关于他的嘴奇的东西。不能赶上他的眼睛。可能开始对话。不想说。有趣的是,他只是在我面前的队列中。
他们在看着他的书包,他们看着在他的口袋里,他甚至把他的鞋脱下来。毫米they've近完成的食物,但她没有把我的玻璃时,她收集我的托盘。是啊,她再次按下了按钮。可能想其他杜松子酒和滋补品。有四个已经。或者是5?不坏,虽然。至少不会在这个光。他们好一些,让他们的毯子现在。我认为,在约一个半小时,它都会保持安静。然后......当然,他们也看着我的公文包。不看这里,虽然,是吗?哦,不。哈!虽然他们认为,否则,我非常清楚地知道谁在后排的两个。注意到他们,当我去厕所。但他们不会开枪。不是只要我有我的手,就不会。它是如此之小。 marvellous什么,他们能做到这些天。只是现在,如果我坐在滑稽口的座位和过道,只是现在,我很可能看不起,看山在月光下闪闪发光。我喜欢这样。毫米。好吧,现在我必须去再次超过我的发言。千万不要忘记我的要求是什么,我必须
