apologize 歌词里的i'll take another chance,take a fall ,take a shot for you.要具体的take a fall,take a shot的意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 08:30:56

apologize 歌词里的i'll take another chance,take a fall ,take a shot for you.要具体的take a fall,take a shot的意思
apologize 歌词里的i'll take another chance,take a fall ,take a shot for you.
要具体的take a fall,take a shot的意思

apologize 歌词里的i'll take another chance,take a fall ,take a shot for you.要具体的take a fall,take a shot的意思
i'd take another chance,take a fall ,take a shot for you.
我甘愿(为了你)再去冒险, (为了你)承受挫败, (为你)挡下子弹.
take a chance在美语里面是冒风险的意思...绝不是什么再给一次机会...瞎扯...
fall在美语里面有(重重)跌倒, 堕落,坠落挫败之意, 延伸意为: 受到挫败或很大的打击, 并带有很难再起来的意思, 语意比较重的一个词.
take a shot就是中枪...这个不用多解释了吧...为了某人去挡子弹...也就是为了所爱的人甘愿舍身, 连命都不要了.
这里的take a fall要精准翻译很难...就如同很多中文要精准翻译成英语是不可能的...美语其实也有种情况存在...所以只要理解语境便可...
I'm holding on your rope
我悬在你的绳索上 (填词人应该是想表达故事一方的主人翁主宰着这段爱情...而另一方的主人翁就像悬在半空在走钢丝一般...随时都有坠落的危险(也就是随时都可能受到另一方的伤害)...这首词果然是经典...比喻得很凄美...)
Got me ten feet off the ground
让我离地十尺(美语里面 1 feet = 1尺的距离)
And I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
同时我听着你的诉说, 而我却只能默不作声(为什么不用listen而用hear...? 因为listen有聆听之意...hear单纯表示听到...这里语境就可以理解为在听...然而却无法听进去)
You tell me that you need me
你告诉我, 你需要我(这里的need有不能失去的意境)
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
接着, (留给我的)除了离我而去, 切断绳索, 任由我坠落, 便只有等待 (这里的but的语境结合整句的理解是: 除了...只有...)
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say
That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
要道歉已经太晚了, 已经太晚了(这里apologize前加了to, 语境可理解为: 要做...)
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
我说: 要道歉已经太晚了, 已经太晚了
I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
我甘愿(为了你)再去冒险, (为了你)陨落, (为你)挡下子弹
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothing new
I loved you with a fire red
Now it's turning blue
And you say 'Sorry' like the angel in heaven let me think was you
然后你像天堂里的天使般对我诉说着你的抱歉, (想)让我回忆起那过去的你 (这句其实挺难翻译成中文的...do something like an angel在美语里面常常含有贬义...通常是前面做了坏事伤害了人, 然后再惺惺作态地表示自己的无辜, 歉意和愧疚来祈求原谅...)
But I'm afraid
但恐怕 (我看到有的人翻译成: 我觉得害怕(或恐惧)...其实这里应该结合下一句一起理解: But I'm afraid It's too late to apologize...)
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
(现在)要道歉已经太晚了, 已经太晚了
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
我说: 要道歉已经太晚了, 已经太晚了
(省略N多的'It's too late to apologize'的repeat.)
I'm holdin on your rope got me ten feet off the ground
我悬在你的绳索上, 让我离地十尺