您好!能否帮我用英语表达五个观点,话题是“世界上许多人都喜欢狗.”,五个观点表达的时间加起来要十分钟,有三个观点需包含以下其一的内容 :1.狗的高智能使通讯等功能,因此可能保卫我

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:27:18

您好!能否帮我用英语表达五个观点,话题是“世界上许多人都喜欢狗.”,五个观点表达的时间加起来要十分钟,有三个观点需包含以下其一的内容 :1.狗的高智能使通讯等功能,因此可能保卫我
五个观点表达的时间加起来要十分钟,有三个观点需包含以下其一的内容 :1.狗的高智能使通讯等功能,因此可能保卫我们的房子,让美国公司,寻找一个逃犯,帮助盲人过马路,等等.

您好!能否帮我用英语表达五个观点,话题是“世界上许多人都喜欢狗.”,五个观点表达的时间加起来要十分钟,有三个观点需包含以下其一的内容 :1.狗的高智能使通讯等功能,因此可能保卫我
Dogs are man's best friends.Sicce very very long ago,man has been pleased with the company of dogs.In our community there are quite a few guide dogs,which help their masters on their way .there is also one that can help do part of the housework,as is said to be as good as a human servant.Dogs are highly intelligent beings,and they can usually get a good command of what is taught to them.and can learn it in just a very short time.In the USA,some dogs are trained to use very advanced communication tools.As we read from the newspaper of dogs protecting or taking care of the house as their masters leave for work,they are very useful and cheap employees,.And what's more,dogs are very truthful to their masters.And we have read pretty many stories about dogs saving humans in a fire,in floods and in the snow and so on.There goes a story that a police dog travelling 200 kilometers by itself to chase a very hardened and experienced criminal,and with its help the police finally catch him and bring him to justice.I have seen a film in which the dog still stays with its master when he has died,just sitting at the usual crossroads waiting for his return.Every day the dog repeats the same things,till it is no longer able to do so because of its old age..In this modern society people's relationship with dogs can sometimes be better than that with their fellow human beings,and that shows it is easier for some people to get on with dogs than with other people.In conclusion,no matter how the human society develops,to some,the dog remains a close friend to man.

您好!能否帮我用英语表达五个观点,话题是“世界上许多人都喜欢狗.”,五个观点表达的时间加起来要十分钟,有三个观点需包含以下其一的内容 :1.狗的高智能使通讯等功能,因此可能保卫我 各位英语高材们您好!能否帮我写下26个音标,但需要分开那些是元音,辅音,长短元音等. “我不会表达我自己”英语怎么说?“我不太会表达自己” 或者是“我不太会表达自己(的意思)”又或者“我不太会阐述我的想法(意思、观点)” 用英语如何简单概要的表达?-----可以用 我的观点是用英语怎么说? 老师您好能否帮我解一下这两道高数概率随机事件的证明题 大家帮我写一篇用英语写的自我介绍,内容是这样的:先生您好!我的名字叫成成,我是个个性开朗的男孩,...大家帮我写一篇用英语写的自我介绍,内容是这样的:先生您好!我的名字叫成成,我是 有关英语演讲比赛话题选择问题How to Communicate with FriendsExtracurricular ReadingMemorable HolidayHow Do You Spend Your Spare TimeHow Do You Promote Low-carbon Life这五个话题任选其一,麻烦大家帮我想想哪个话题会比 一篇英语辩论谁帮我看看~话题是Arguments for or against filming people around the clock in a reality TV show 谁能帮我写几句啊(英语的),一百字左右,最好正反观点都写下,万一不行写一方观点也行,先给二十分 英语外交要我们辩论关于同性恋的话题,谁帮我用英文想几个点,如上,能附上中英对照最好.哦对了我是反方的,也就是反对同性恋的观点. 我将通过一个小故事来阐述我的观点.请问用英语怎么表达 英语中表达我的观点可以用那些短语,越多越好 您好,请帮我用新蒙文翻译下苏晓梦. 以等待为话题写篇作文,希望帮我提炼一个观点.只要一个观点,一个方向 她经常帮我打扫屋子用英语怎么表达 请问怎么用英语表达这句话?您好,我今天去银行查了汇款记录.但是并没有您的汇款.您能提供汇款明细吗?(用手机或者是相机拍摄成照片,然后发送给我.) 表达“我的观点”的句式英语的自己的观点的!给多一点 谁能帮我写个英语作文话题是 帮爸爸妈妈做饭 给评分 谁能帮我写个英语作文话题是 帮爸爸妈妈做饭 给评分的 勿扰