
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:19:21


This summer,I read a British writer Jane.Austin well-known "pride and prejudice",the story is mainly darcy,four marriage as the four marriage will around all are interlaced.
The whole story is generated by the arrogance of prejudice,also caused by the vanity of prejudice.Because of the person different experiences and thoughts and values,which cause the whole story of ups and downs.I realize that person is not rich and humble,not only because of the portion of the handsome appearance,ugly or to distinguish between good and bad.Everyone is born equal,no one can later rich,or because of the position and arrogant noble,also cannot with economic poverty and inferiority.A rich man should be in personality,cultural,and knowledge are not overlook others.
Contact reality,we should not because it has a proud and arrogant,that great mood.Learning is endless,we should think more strong than himself,and the people,only way to study hard to more than others.
So try to overcome their arrogance,for others it is prejudice,decrease do.

This summer, I read a British writer Jane. Austin well-known "pride and prejudice", the story is mainly darcy, four marriage as the four marriage will around all are interlaced.
The whole story is...


This summer, I read a British writer Jane. Austin well-known "pride and prejudice", the story is mainly darcy, four marriage as the four marriage will around all are interlaced.
The whole story is generated by the arrogance of prejudice, also caused by the vanity of prejudice. Because of the person different experiences and thoughts and values, which cause the whole story of ups and downs. I realize that person is not rich and humble, not only because of the portion of the handsome appearance, ugly or to distinguish between good and bad. Everyone is born equal, no one can later rich, or because of the position and arrogant noble, also cannot with economic poverty and inferiority. A rich man should be in personality, cultural, and knowledge are not overlook others.
Contact reality, we should not because it has a proud and arrogant, that great mood. Learning is endless, we should think more strong than himself, and the people, only way to study hard to more than others.
So try to overcome their arrogance, for others it is prejudice, decrease do.


英语翻译我读了英国作家简。奥斯丁的成名作《傲慢与偏见》,整个故事是以达西为主的四桩婚姻作为主线,将围绕这四桩婚姻发生的一切错综复杂地交织在一起。整个故事既由傲慢而产生 法国作家莫泊桑的成名作? 英语翻译我崇拜的人是英国作家L. 读了英国作家笛福的鲁滨孙漂流记让我明白了什么急 英语翻译浅论《情人》的后殖民意识《情人》是法国作家玛格丽特•杜拉斯的成名作,受到了世界各地的读者的喜爱.本文试从后殖民主义的角度,结合作家自身的身份特征,从西方人眼中的 英语翻译这是英国作家雪莱的一句话 19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家莫泊桑的成名作是 19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家莫泊桑的成名作是 ·英国作家Martin Armstrong的简介我只要简介 宗璞的成名作 英语翻译《彼得潘》是詹姆斯的成名作.它主要叙述了温蒂和彼得潘等几个小孩在梦幻岛的奇遇.在一座远离英国本土的海岛——梦幻岛上,生活着一个不愿长大也永远长不大的孩子——彼得潘. 请问外国作家托尔斯泰,歌德,拜伦这三个主要的成名作是哪些,请做出简要的注解? 莫泊桑,19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家与_和_并称世界三大短篇小说巨匠,他的成名作《羊脂球》的问世,轰动了世界文坛. 英语翻译长假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森?斯威夫的《格列佛游记》.小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象与夸张,描述酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四处周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇. 林海音的成名作是什么? 林海音的成名作是什么? 与辛弃疾同时代的英国作家 19世纪英国的姐妹作家是谁?