
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:56:55


It's been three years since his father died.
His father has been dead for 3 years.
His father passed away 3 years ago.
It's been three years since his father passed away.
It has been three years since his father left this world.
I was hoping that you could lend me some books
I was hoping to borrow some books from you
Can I borrow some books/
May I please borrow some books.
Look! The sky's all dark, it's about to rain.
The committee members scheduled a meeting for next thursday to solve this problem.

My father died 3 years ago.
My father has been away for 3 years.
My father has been dead since 3 years ago.

His dad has been dead for three years
His dad died three years ago
His dad passed away three years ago

His dad has been dead for three years.
His dad died three years ago.
It is / has been three years since his dad died.

His father died 3 years ago.
His father passed away 3 years ago.
His father has been dead for 3 years.
It has been 3 years since his father died/passed away.

His dad died three years.
His dad has been dead for three years.
It has been three years since his father passed away.

His own father was gone three years before.
His father had been passed away form himfor three years.
He's father had died three years before.
I hope I could borrow some books.
CanI bor...


His own father was gone three years before.
His father had been passed away form himfor three years.
He's father had died three years before.
I hope I could borrow some books.
CanI borrow your books for a while?
please let me borrow your books.
look! Clouds' cover the sky,It'll rainning soon.
members dicide toplan a meeting on thursday to solve this question


英语翻译他爸爸死了3年了(三种不同表达)个个都那么好,选哪个呢,1.希望你能借我一些书。(用三种不同婉转程度的句子表达)2.乌云满天,就要下雨了。(将来时间表达)3.委员们定于 他已经死了三年了(英语翻译) “他死了,在旧年的大年夜冻死了”改为“他在接年的大年夜冻死了”比较一下,在表达上有何不同? 英语翻译是不是说在他爸爸死了之后几年前? 英文翻译 他已经死了3年了 英语翻译:他已经死了三年了 他一听到这消息,就哭了 用英语表示 至少三种不同的表达方法 英语翻译他长得像他的爸爸 用英语翻译[3种答案]1L 错了! 有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着.这节诗运用了( )的写作方法,突出表达诗人爱憎分明的感这首诗是《有的人》 用英语怎样表达“她的爸爸已经死了三年了. 爸爸,我恨死了你的猎枪 表达了 我 怎样的思想感情 英语翻译多浇水,那些树就不会死了他意识到三点钟之前所有的房间被闯入了 英语翻译4种(1)他哥哥参军3年了(2)会议结束半个小时了.2个句子都用4种方式表达 给句子加标点,让他变成不同的三句话.他的儿子找不到爸爸妈妈很着急.(1)改成表示爸爸妈妈着急.(2) 有的人活着,/他已经死了;有的人死了./他还活着.他指的是谁表达了什么思想感情 有的人活着 他已经死了 有的人死了 他还活着 表达了作者什么样的思想感情 有的人活着 他已经死了 有的人死了 他还活着 表达了作者什么样的思想感情 英语翻译他父亲死了五年了.___ 5 years ___ his father__.