帮我看看这几句英语对话有没有什么错误A: You need buy a car and test a driver's license.B: You know I have been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got that yet.A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a gi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:41:01

帮我看看这几句英语对话有没有什么错误A: You need buy a car and test a driver's license.B: You know I have been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got that yet.A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a gi
A: You need buy a car and test a driver's license.
B: You know I have been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got that yet.
A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a girlfriend soon.
B: Are you laughing at me?
A: No. I just tell the truth.
B: Well. Maybe fishing is more suitable for me than looking for a girl friend. I give up.
A: Are you only interested in fishing?
B: I think so. What time is it now?
A: About 5:00pm what's wrong?
B: I have to go home preparing for fishing tomorrow.
A: I wish you will get a big fish.
B: Thanks. I will call you after I get back from my dad.
A: OK, I'll wait for your call

帮我看看这几句英语对话有没有什么错误A: You need buy a car and test a driver's license.B: You know I have been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got that yet.A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a gi
1.You need to buy a car and take the test for licence.
2.第二句后面 GOT与前面GET有些重复.不妨改成 But I haven't managed to make it.
4.对的,couldn't 语气比can't委婉
5.No. I am just telling the truth.
6.Well. Maybe ,rather than looking for a girlfriend,fishing is more suitable for me.
8.I think so 改成 I suppose. 这个用的频率少些,前者用烂了
10.I have to go home to prepare for fishing tomorrow.
11.这个太中式英语了. 就直 接改成 Good luck.
12.I will call you after I come back from my dad's .
13.没错,不过改成这样会更好 All right. I am looking forward to your phone call.

第一句:You need to buy a car.....

倒数第三行A: I wish you will get a big fish.
应为A: I wish you would get a big fish.

A: You need buy a car and get a driver's license.
B: You know I had been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got it yet.
A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a ...


A: You need buy a car and get a driver's license.
B: You know I had been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got it yet.
A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a girlfriend either.
B: Are you laughing at me?
A: No. I just tell the truth.
B: Well. Maybe fishing is more suitable for me than looking for a girl friend. I'd better give up.
A: Are you only interested in fishing?
B: Yes,I think so. What time is it now?
A: About 5:00pm.What's matter?
B: I have to go home to prepare for the fishing tomorrow.
A: I wish you could get a big fish.
B: Thanks. I will call you after fishing.
A: OK, I'll wait for your call


改错的顺序是从头开始的 我也按A,B分。
A: need后添加 to
A::I'M just telling the truth.
B:i have to go home and prepare for fishing tomorrow.
B:i'll wait for your calling

I wish you will---I wish you would

I wish you will get a big fish.这句中 从句中用虚拟语气。把will改为 would