英语翻译+句式分析我这里有5个长难句,请各位帮我分析下:主谓宾,定状补,谢谢1. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English.2. Like the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:49:31

英语翻译+句式分析我这里有5个长难句,请各位帮我分析下:主谓宾,定状补,谢谢1. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English.2. Like the
1. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English.
2. Like the various dictionaries that came after it during the seventeenth century,Cawdray's tended to concentrate on 'scholarly words' ;
3. His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical
4. James Boswell , his biographer described the garret where Johnson worked as 'fitted up like a counting house' with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up
5. It is the cornerstone of standard English, an achevement which , in James Boswell's words conferred stability on the language of his country

英语翻译+句式分析我这里有5个长难句,请各位帮我分析下:主谓宾,定状补,谢谢1. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English.2. Like the
1.There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English
There 引导主语 was 为谓语,no 之后的都为宾语部分 of speaking or writing 及as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English是作为宾语补足语来修饰宾语部分
2.Like the various dictionaries that came after it during the seventeenth century,Cawdray's tended to concentrate on 'scholarly words'
Cawdray是主语,tended to concentrate 谓语on 'scholarly words'
3.His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical
His approach to the problems 主语 was谓 intensely practical宾语,that 之后是做定语从名修饰problems
4.James Boswell ,his biographer described the garret where Johnson worked as 'fitted up like a counting house' with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up
James Boswell他的传记里描述了一个楼阁,这个楼阁是Johnson 工作的地方,‘装修的像一个财务室’在中间有一个长长的桌子,那里的抄写员将站着工作.
James Boswell ,his biographer 主语,described谓语,the garret 宾语,where 这后是定语从名修饰garret
5.It is the cornerstone of standard English,an achievement which ,in James Boswell's words conferred stability on the language of his country
这个成就是标准英语的基础,用James Boswell's 的话来讲给予国语的稳定性.
it is 引导的形式主语.

英语翻译+句式分析我这里有5个长难句,请各位帮我分析下:主谓宾,定状补,谢谢1. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of binging some order to the chaos of English.2. Like the 语文句式分析请帮我讲解一下如何分析判断文言文中的句式比如:宾语前置,定语后置,倒装,判断句等常见句式 英语句式分析,请帮我分析下如下句式,找出该句式中的 主、谓、宾成分.I enjoy listening to popular music. 英语翻译如果哪位高人有《郑人买履》和《刻舟求剑》的特殊句式的分析请也劳驾发上来!【一定要全】绝对会给分! 文言文中,有很多固定的句式,例如,.者,.也,请举出几个句式进行分析,要有例句. 英语翻译有谁知道?请把原文翻译能帮我复制到这里发上来吗? 英语翻译请翻译成英语的宾语从句式句子:1 请你告诉我你多大了.2 你能告诉我去北京图书馆怎么走吗?3 他说他们从1990年开始就是好朋友.4 请告诉我你怎么阅读得这么快.5 我相信这里的情况 我这里有一个对联,春暖花开姹紫嫣红家家喜迎春要求首尾字相同,句式整齐 英语翻译(我认为,任何事物都有它的俩面性,好的一面和坏的一面.我们应该对具体问题进行具体分析)把上面这句话用优雅的句式翻译下来,请不要用在线翻译. 英语翻译请用到少两句式回答,上面的都不是我想要的 英语翻译亲爱的,我就在这里请让我爱你 英语翻译请分析讲解。 英语翻译我在这里有个50分的帖子里面有10个句子请帮忙翻译一下 英语翻译这里面有什么短语,请告诉 英语翻译这是电影中的一句台词,字幕上的翻译是别伤害任何人,我也有点记得好像有这个句式,no在这里是无意义的词,但是我不是很确定! 孟子善用排比,句式长短错落,有什么表达效果?请说明,并结合《生于忧患,死于安乐》举例加以分析 three years after his flight over the North Pole这里的after为什么放在中间啊?帮忙分析下.我从未见过这样的句式. 谁能帮我分析下列文言文句式?1 胜败乃兵家常事2 逼上梁山3 时不我待4 嗤之以鼻5 贻笑大方