
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:28:47


在我们身边,在一部分同学身上,还是有着一些不文明行为.例如,我们的校园内、楼梯上总能见到与我们美丽的校园极不和谐的白色垃圾,尤其星期六、星期日教室里、校园内垃圾随处可见,甚至有的同学认为,反正有值日的同学打扫,扔了又何妨;再例如可见在教室走廊上的起哄大闹,走路推推搡搡,随意撞坏门窗,也不觉心疼;我们很多同学把文化知识的学习放在首位而常常忽略了社会公德、文明习惯的养成,而这恰恰从本质上体现一个人的思想品质.事实上,良好的行为习惯是保证我们良好学习的前提,也是树立健康人格的基础.在学校没有良好的行为习惯的同学就目无纪律,不讲卫生,扰乱整个学校的学习环境.相反,如果我们养成了文明的行为习惯,学习环境就是良好的、有序的.,那我们我们知道:一个学校的学生具有良好的文明行为习惯,才能构建出优良的学习环境,创造出优良的学习成绩.无数事例表明,走向事业辉煌,开创成功人生的关键,是品德高尚的情操.代表民族未来的我们,需要学习继承的东西有很多很多,然而最基本的问题是,我们究竟要以什么样的精神风貌,什么样的思想品质,什么样的道德水准,去接过人类文明的接力棒Around us,in the part of students who still have a number of uncivilized behavior.For example,our campus,the stairs and we could see a very beautiful campus discord white garbage,especially on Saturdays,Sundays classroom garbage can be seen everywhere on campus,some students and even the view that it has the duty of students cleaning,why not throw another; further example,the corridor can be seen in the classroom scene of trouble,pushing and shoving to walk randomly damaged doors and windows,but also feel distressed; many of our students to learn the culture of knowledge and often the first place ignores the social ethics,habits of civilization,which is precisely reflected the nature of the quality of a person's thinking.In fact,a good habit is to ensure that we learn a good premise,but also establish the basis for healthy personality.In schools without good behavior of students on the head no discipline,no health,disruption of the learning environment in schools.In contrast,if we cultivate the habit of civilized behavior,the learning environment is a good and orderly.,Then we we know that:a school with good habits of civilized behavior in order to build a high-quality learning environment to create a good academic performance.Countless examples show that,to the cause of glory,to create a key to success in life is the character of high moral standing.On behalf of our nation's future,the succession of things to learn there are many,many,but the most basic question is whether we should take what kind of mental outlook,thinking of what kind of quality,what kind of moral standards,to take over human civilization baton