八年级下册英语新目标 笔记第七单元和第十单元,另外加上70也往后的笔记

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八年级下册英语新目标 笔记第七单元和第十单元,另外加上70也往后的笔记
八年级下册英语新目标 笔记第七单元和第十单元,另外加上70也往后的笔记

八年级下册英语新目标 笔记第七单元和第十单元,另外加上70也往后的笔记
Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?
mind [one's] doing sth. 介意(某人)做某事
not at all 一点也不         
turn down 调节使音量变小         
right away = in a minute = at once 立刻;马上         
wait in line 排队等候         
cut in line 插队等候         
hasn't = has not         
keep ... down 压低声音;使缓和         
at first = first of all 首先         
take care 当心;小心         
take care of = care about = look after 关心;照顾         
break the rule 违规         
obey the rule 遵守规定         
put out 熄灭         
pick sth. up 捡起某物         
wait for sb. 等候某人         
depend on 依赖;依靠         
get back = return 要回         
mean → meant → meant 动词 mean 的原形、过去式和过去分词
Reading Strategy(阅读方法)As we read, we need to find "topic sentences".(在我们阅读的时候,我们需要寻找“主题语句”,也就是和文章中心最相关的语句.) These sentences usually gives us a "summary", or overall meaning of each paragraph and help us understand what the paragraph is about.(这些语句通常会给我们一些文章的“概要”,或者每个文段的全部意思,来帮助我们理解段落大意.) After the topic sentence comes more detail and explanation.(当“主题语句”出现后,该段的一些解释和细节也就会随之出现.)
Unit 8 Why don't you get her a scarf?
why don't you do sth. = why not do sth.         
例句:Why don't you get her a camera? = Why not get her a camera?         
what about = how about         
例句:How about some tennis balls? = What about some tennis balls?
fall asleep 入睡         
give away 赠送;分发         
hear of = hear about 听说         
take an interest in = be interested in 对……感兴趣         
make friends with 与……交友         
make progress 取得进步         
keep → kept → kept 动词 keep 的原形、过去式和过去分词         
feed → fed → fed 动词 feed 的原形、过去式和过去分词         
fall → fell → fallen 动词 fall 的原形、过去式和过去分词         
hear → heard → heard 动词 hear 的原形、过去式和过去分词
Reading Strategy(阅读方法)To understand the important ideas from the text, we must "summarize".(为了了解文段最主要的意图,我们必须要进行总结.) Do this by answering "who, what, where, why" questions as you read.(在阅读时,常注意回答时间、地点、人物这些基本要素问题,达到总结的目的.)
Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement?
do/does 的现在完成时态形式:(have/has) done         
do/does 的现在完成时态的被动语态:(have/has) been done         
I have ever been to America. It's the first time for me to go abroad.
have a great time = have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴         
on board 在船上         
end up doing sth. 结束做某事         
all year round = all over the year 终年         
understand → understood → understood 动词 understand 的原形、过去式和过去分词
Reading Strategy(阅读方法)After reading, write down three or more things you have learned. (在阅读整篇文章之后,把你学到的三样或更多事物写下来.)We always remember things better if we take time to reflect. (如果我们花时间去思考一些问题的话,那么我们就能更容易地记住一些事情.)
Unit 10 It's a nice day, isn't it?
He's a student, isn't he?      She's not his mother, is she?回答反意疑问句时,要根据事实来回答.若事实是肯定的,则必须用 yes 回答.若事实是否定的,则必须用 no 回答.
You're not ready, are you?      是的,我没有准备好.     
No, I'm not.      不,我准备好了.      Yes, I am.
look through 浏览         
come along 出现;发生         
get along 相处         
at least 至少         
at most 至多         
a thank-you note 感谢信         
forget → forgot → forgotten 动词 forget 的原形、过去式和过去分词         
little → less → least 形容词 little 的原级、比较级和最高级         
many/much → more → most 形容词 many/much 的原级、比较级和最高级