3道英语选择题.请指点下(给出分析)1.___down the radio---the baby's asleep in the next room.A.Turning B.Turn C.Turned D.To turn2.Every one of you___the basketball field used to be,please be quick.A.gathers where B.will gather at C.gather

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 20:37:45

3道英语选择题.请指点下(给出分析)1.___down the radio---the baby's asleep in the next room.A.Turning B.Turn C.Turned D.To turn2.Every one of you___the basketball field used to be,please be quick.A.gathers where B.will gather at C.gather
1.___down the radio---the baby's asleep in the next room.
A.Turning B.Turn C.Turned D.To turn
2.Every one of you___the basketball field used to be,please be quick.
A.gathers where B.will gather at C.gather where D.gather at
3.___is said,I tell you,to have bought a new car.
A.He B.It C.That D.As

3道英语选择题.请指点下(给出分析)1.___down the radio---the baby's asleep in the next room.A.Turning B.Turn C.Turned D.To turn2.Every one of you___the basketball field used to be,please be quick.A.gathers where B.will gather at C.gather
A.every one作为第三人称单数,动词加s,后跟地点状语从句,用where连接.
A.I tell you是插入语,可以跳过.这句话是He is said to have bought a new car.听说他买了辆新车.

1 B 祈使句,动词原形开头
2 A 主语是every one 所以加s, 后面是一个状语从句
3 A 作主语

3道英语选择题.请指点下(给出分析)1.___down the radio---the baby's asleep in the next room.A.Turning B.Turn C.Turned D.To turn2.Every one of you___the basketball field used to be,please be quick.A.gathers where B.will gather at C.gather 细胞分裂的选择题请给出详细分析, 七下英语选择题请分析选择原因 一些英语选择题,请快点给出答案. 1-2两道选择题.请帮忙分析下. 英语选择题,请学霸指点 牛津8A英语选择题( )14.I don't think Chinese is _____ Maths.A.as easy asB.more easy asC.easier thanD.so easier than请给出正确答案并给出分析 英语高手请进,下面的这个选择题,请仔细分析每个选项正确或者错误的...英语高手请进,下面的这个选择题,请仔细分析每个选项正确或者错误的原因,最后给出正确答案.All flights ()because of th 请给选择题正确答案,作参考.请给出这些英语选择题答案. 英语选择题.请高手指点下.:) 谢谢Jenny is the only one of the grade who __ selected to school fashion-show team.a:isb:arec:hasd:have是不是选a啊?-.-还是c? 生物,三道选择题求分析下 高一英语简单选择题2道(在线)1.I don't think he can complete the experiment,_____?A.do I B.don't I C.can he D.can't he(这题初中就能做,主要考察反问疑问句,请给出答案并稍微点明下反问疑问句的规律 请给出详细分析 线性代数里关于向量的一道选择题 请给出详细点的分析 我会给你幸福用英语怎么说 请指点下3Q 英语选择题求分析 几道英语选择题,答案已给出,求答题过程及涉及知识点,(第一部分) 哪个地区受锋面气旋影响而多降水天气(选择题)A:台湾B:夏威夷C:爪哇岛如果可以请给出分析