
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:52:32

With the rapid development of the hotel industry,hotel staff turnover hit by the phenomenon also come.According to the National Tourist Board survey,the hotel staff turnover rate for the past five years,an average of 23.95 percent,large and medium-sized cities hotel staff turnover rate of around 30 percent.Frequency of the loss of staff,especially the loss of good staff,not only in a certain region or a hotel,but a common phenomenon in the hotel industry.How to retain staff,stable workforce,and fully mobilize and give full play to their initiative,we are facing managers in the face of pressing task,but also long-term development plans for the hotel.Below,I would like to discuss with you the reasons for the loss of the hotel staff,and the impact of countermeasures.

With the rapid development of the hotel industry,the phenomenon of hotel staff turnover also comes.According to the National Tourist Board survey,the hotel staff turnover rate for the past five years is an average of 23.95 percent,while large and medium-sized cities' hotel staff turnover rate is around 30 percent.The frequent loss of staff,especially the loss of good staff is not only appearing in a certain region or a hotel,but a common phenomenon in the whole hotel industry.How to retain staff,stablize workforce,fully mobilize and give their initiative into full play is the pressing task and long-term hotel developing plan that our managers are facing to.Below,I would like to discuss with you the reasons,impacts and countermeasures of the loss of the hotel staff.

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