
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:07:39


On Friendly关于友谊
Amazing,cherish them 惊异,珍视他们
Blessings,acknowledge them 祝福,
Caring,allow them 关心,体谅他们
Dependable,rely on them 信任,依赖他们
Encouraging,hear them 鼓励,倾听他们
Fallible,love them 易错,热爱他们
Gifts,unwarp them 礼物,打开他们
Healing,be with them 药方,与之相伴
Important,value them 重要,重视他们
Juick,savor them 美味,品尝他们
Kind,delight in them 仁慈,愉悦他们
Loyal,mirror them 忠实,与之相鉴
Magical,soar with them 魔力,与之翱翔
Necessary,cultivate them 必需,培育他们
Optimistic,support them 乐观,支持他们
Priceless,treasure them 无价,珍爱他们
Quicky,enjoy them 珍奇,享受他们
Rare,hold on them 罕物,把握他们
Strong,lean on them 强壮,依偎他们
Teachers,learn from them 老师,学习他们
Understanding,talk to them 理解,与之交流
Vulnerable,embrace them 脆弱,拥抱他们
Warmhearted,listen to them 热心,聆听他们
Extraodinary,recognize them 非凡,记住他们
Young at heart,play with them 童心,与之嬉戏
Zany,laugh with them 小丑,与之欢笑