英语翻译hygiene paitient complaint indisposed disease ulcer wound lesion eruption spot pimple blister childblain bruise bump sprain symptom case fever coma cure scalpel bandage gauze Allergy Acute Heredity InsomniaPulse

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:02:06

英语翻译hygiene paitient complaint indisposed disease ulcer wound lesion eruption spot pimple blister childblain bruise bump sprain symptom case fever coma cure scalpel bandage gauze Allergy Acute Heredity InsomniaPulse
hygiene paitient complaint indisposed disease ulcer
wound lesion eruption spot pimple blister childblain
bruise bump sprain symptom case fever coma cure
scalpel bandage gauze Allergy Acute Heredity Insomnia

英语翻译hygiene paitient complaint indisposed disease ulcer wound lesion eruption spot pimple blister childblain bruise bump sprain symptom case fever coma cure scalpel bandage gauze Allergy Acute Heredity InsomniaPulse
hygiene:[ 'haidʒi:n ] 卫生
patient:[ 'peiʃənt ] 病人
complaint:[ kəm'pleint ] 抱怨
indisposed:[ .indis'pəuzd ] 身体不适的
disease:[ di'zi:z ] 疾病
ulcer:[ 'ʌlsə ] 溃疡
wound:[ wu:nd ] 伤口
lesion:[ 'li:ʒən ] 损害,损伤精神的伤害
eruption:[ i'rʌpʃən ] 出疹
spot:[ spɔt ] 斑点
pimple:[ 'pimpl ] 疙瘩,青春痘
blister:[ 'blistə ] 水泡
bruise:[ bru:z ] n.瘀伤,擦伤 v.受伤,擦伤
bump:[ bʌmp ] n.撞击,隆起物 v.碰撞,颠簸而行
sprain:[ sprein ] 扭伤
symptom:[ 'simptəm ] n.症状,征兆
case:[ keis ] n.情形,情况,案例
fever:[ 'fi:və ] n.发烧,发热,热病
coma:[ 'kəumə ] n.昏迷
cure:[ kjuə ] n.治疗,治愈,治疗法 v.治疗,治愈
scalpel:[ 'skælpəl ] n.外科手术刀,解剖刀
bandage:[ 'bændidʒ ] n.绷带
gauze:[ gɔ:z ] n.薄纱,纱布
Allergy:[ 'ælədʒi ] n.敏感症
Acute:[ ə'kju:t ] a.敏锐的,激烈的
Heredity:[ hi'rediti ] n.遗传
Insomnia:[ in'sɔmniə ] n.失眠(症)
Pulse:[ pʌls ] n.脉冲,脉波,脉搏 v.跳动,脉跳

英语翻译hygiene paitient complaint indisposed disease ulcer wound lesion eruption spot pimple blister childblain bruise bump sprain symptom case fever coma cure scalpel bandage gauze Allergy Acute Heredity InsomniaPulse hygiene是什么意思 health hygiene是什么意思 hygiene什么意思? hygiene中文是什么意思 hygiene什么意思? hygiene-factors是什么意思 hygiene+factors是什么意思 hygiene+factors是什么意思 dental hygiene是什么意思 英语翻译Ensuring that food premises maitain hygienic conditions and folow hygiene rules regarding equipment,food waste,water supply. 英语翻译原句:She has a high level of emotional hygiene.emotional hygiene是指这个人的情绪很健康,就是精神面貌很积极向上,不消极。怎么表达比较能对得起语文老师呢? sanitary 与 hygiene 的 区别? Hygiene 解释一定要英文的 英语翻译原文:卫生和安全问题同样日益引起人们的普遍关注.这个“问题” 用不用专门用 problem 表示出来Problem of Hygiene and safety hygiene 与santary towel是不是一个意思? 英语翻译Thus ,for domestic purposes the usual cleaning methods,are the best available under nearly all circumstances.Provided commomsense,personal and family hygiene is practiced.dry cleaning and home laundering should not be responsible for spre 英语翻译Eternal vigilance is the watchword of successful periodontal treatment and in that sense,periodontal treatment is never complete.Patients require recall for inspection,oral hygiene monitoring and scaling at 3,6,9 or 12 month intervals,dep