
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:00:47


钀х孩鏁f枃璇诲悗鎰烖br/>Read the works of Xiao Hong is the first of her "The Biography." Is about the side of the story in Hulan River.A kind of washed out throughout the text reveals a Excessive Magnificence of the plain,and because the process of writing into the characteristics of poetry,art and more attractive to work as a whole,known as the Poetic Fiction.In those seemingly ordinary text,the hidden writer unique perception of life and realize.Some evaluation is a not grow old with the years,always young and work.
Today is Xiao Hong reading three essays are "squatting foreign car," "insomnia night" and "small fish with destiny." People feel the most direct language in the presentation of the fresh and natural,along with the unique pure and aesthetic appeal,in pure and in with Jun Yi color,in pure mellow Prose Contained.
Xiao Hong is the kind of women to wholeheartedly into writing,writing is her soul's autobiography.In her works,do not see the show off,show off,manufacturing components.Some are connected to a kind of good character and earth.Her face,her words of love and harmony,like breathing.Created,mostly from her real life experience.
"Squatting foreign car," the story of a childhood story.Delicate brushwork of his simple,depicting her childhood life,showing a kind of bucolic life of a child-like mood.
"I watched the donkey fluttering to disappear!My heart and soul were also cited the go.So I left the window,his mother's mantle has been off the kang central,her mouth a lot to say about the street to see news.But I have not listened,that is,to what I eat candy and the like,I would not care to eat,but that night the car too attractive to me!too caught up my little heart."
In "Insomnia Night",the writer of nature that simple Ying Wu,makes a lot of detailed text,full of beautiful lyrics."In the home side,the fall of the most lovely.Get a little blue-black sky,white clouds made of the same as silver,just like great white flowers dotted the sky like; butter,heavy and fast to fall from the sky down to open like.And that the sky becomes more and more high,high so high no."
Who can know the suffering of Xiao Hong was born in her heart,deep were difficult to resolve the non-home sense of desolation.She will own personal life experience imbued with a sense of the feeling of tragedy,and life was filled with,Fudang the tragic romance drama atmosphere blending together to convey the universal pan-and far-reaching sense of sadness in life.
So in the "sleepless night" in which she stated:"the concept of home,in I did not Szczecin,but when people say up,I was also panicky.Although there is no piece of land in Japan,before "home" in I mean no."
Xiao Hong write are living,people and events she described are extracted out from the life that she really understands human nature of greed and indifference,but also to understand human love and warmth.
In the "small fish with destiny",the concern on the fate of a small fish,with plenty of ink describing the content of some of the details.
"Fish days are happy,and to the third day of the depression up,read a few times,it all sink to the pelvic floor.......At the stroke along the basin,fish move two steps:moving the two punches,the re- walk two steps ......do not knock,it will not take it sink.
I called Lang Chinese do not move it,fish recuperate,do not disturb it.
Bright days to see it at rest,after breakfast to see it in the rest.Again cooked rice thrown into the pot.My foot from the floor to put some light,I'm afraid it woke up,I said that fish are sleeping."
Detailed description of these details,the author of some insignificant little life from the heart of compassion and concern for feelings evident.
Unfortunately,the last fish died.
"I regret it,why go out for so long!Why only seek their own happiness and the small fish died.This is a cruel world,lost world of human nature,the violent destruction of it!Destroy humanity of those lost something!"
Writer for the fragile life to the care of a historical perspective,reaching as deep and gentle part of the heart.Also be extended to the concerns of her characters silent majority of people.Her own life experience and perception into the pen in good faith the art world and his own solitude and sadness,loneliness and feelings of regret,aesthetic contemplation into work through the emotional tone and beautiful Poet.
Often described by her is not her own,nor the right to narrow the rich class.Flowing but those who neglected the bottom of the social discourse absentee.Those trials and tribulations,at the expense of the soul.And "the same joy and happiness of the people,people with sorrow and sadness," and look to have the same feeling with each other.
In the "squatting foreign car" in:"So then,no matter how the love of my grandfather,heart health was always divide,I do not agree with his fight foreign driver,I asked:" Why did you hit him?Is my own willingness to squatting."
In this era,I did not find a rich man squatted foreign cars; his money,he was not afraid driver struggling,he never pulled his car,his own taste,only to be pulled comfortable feeling."
A really good writer and his characters a kind of income figures should be a "sympathetic" relationship.Xiao Hong's done.Was able to go beyond self-self,is not limited to self-pity from the sorrow.Xiao Hong was a battered body and mind all the unfortunate women,one is family,love and soul of social ostracism.But she is still "warm and loving toward aspects,With permanent vision and pursuit." To write.
The life of her own tragic experience with a modern perspective,calm contemplation own familiar living environment,the fate of the individual into the fate of the human being.Exploration into the life of Chinese people,culture and national psychology of the deepest on the ecology and survival of the original revelation of great suffering on the people to face their destiny and sober body odor,make meaning of Xiao Hong's works have a universal significance.Desolation in this lament,and they not only of her,but belong to the era beyond the self.
This makes her work a trace of a unique and quiet,in fact,a life filled with solemn enthusiasm,because beyond this solemn secular emptiness and surface noise but has become more rare and noble.
"Sleepless night" the last,"the sound in the anti-aircraft guns,I also heard the cries and the home in the wilderness,like the earthquake shaking on the crowing." This is a tumultuous time to always maintain the height of the soul so she works to maintain a high degree of thought and care of a transcendent space.
This is an honest life for writing.
And that brings me by a real writer should reach a state of mind.Is blindly immersed in the personal mood,the Advantages and Disadvantages of,or should break through its own point of view,look at the broader community and future.To be concerned and write to those suffering and unfortunate people.
There are a lot of women writers and online writers who focus only on their own experience or in terms of writing tedious and monotonous,are all romantic things to write about,like life,in addition to a love no other.Written work that is naturally a hollow,soulless.
Things around us can actually write a lot of small plants,if we are willing to carefully observe and record them.Writing the material would not just stop at the narrow extent of private writing.
An excellent work is not the subject of whether it is profound,but mainly on whether a deeper emotional capacity,particularly whether the writer expressed his own most unique life experience.Otherwise,it is exquisite with beautiful words and then build up is nothing but a lifeless body.
Xiao Hong those simple but so moving the text,all from the heart of compassion for her,to convey the real life and soul.Such written with heart and life's work has been across time and space limitations,to become a valuable spiritual wealth of all mankind.
From this I understand why some people commented that the works of Xiao Hong's never old,always young and the real meaning.

