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The Ass and the Grasshopper 驴子与蚱蜢
AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping,was highly enchanted; and,desiring to possess the same charms of melody,demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices.They replied,"The dew." The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew,and in a short time died of hunger.
驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,被美妙动听的歌声所打动,自己也想能发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便 羡慕地问他们吃些什么,才能发出如此美妙的声音来.蚱蜢答道:“吃露水.”驴子便也只吃露水,没多久就饿死了.

小鼹鼠和妈妈The Mole and His Mother
A MOLE, a creature blind from birth, once said to his Mother: "I am sure than I can see, Mother!" In the desire to prove to him his mistake, his Mother placed befor...


小鼹鼠和妈妈The Mole and His Mother
A MOLE, a creature blind from birth, once said to his Mother: "I am sure than I can see, Mother!" In the desire to prove to him his mistake, his Mother placed before him a few grains of frankincense, and asked, "What is it?' The young Mole said, "It is a pebble." His Mother exclaimed: "My son, I am afraid that you are not only blind, but that you have lost your sense of smell.
传说鼹鼠的眼睛是瞎的,可小鼹鼠却对妈妈说他能看得见。妈想试验他一下,便拿来一 小块香喷喷的食物,放在他面前,并问他是什么。他说是一颗小石头。母亲说:“啊,不幸 的孩子,你不但眼睛看不见,连鼻子也没用了。” 这故事是说,那些爱吹牛说大话的人,常常夸海口能做大事,却在一些微不足道的事情 上暴露了本质。
Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man, how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him.
The wolf answered, "If I could see a man just once, I would attack him nonetheless."
"I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will show you one."
The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which the huntsman used every day. First an old discharged soldier came by.
"Is that a man?" asked the wolf.
The Latecomers Surpass the Old-timers(后来居上)
Ji An lived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about small matters in personal behavior and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and, although he did not cause a stir, he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this, the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials.
更多内容请参阅 http://www.oc66.com/


A glass of water's life
Indian Chiefs, said: God give each person a glass of water, you drink from the inside into the life.
Living really is a cup of water, cups or the gorgeous display of ...


A glass of water's life
Indian Chiefs, said: God give each person a glass of water, you drink from the inside into the life.
Living really is a cup of water, cups or the gorgeous display of a person rich and poor, but the glass of water, crystal clear, colorless and tasteless, to any person are the same. You can add sugar, can also add salt, or even add a little bit of poison, as long as you can bear.
Sugar, salt, add anything else, this is your life.
Pure water, in pottery from life into the cup sloly, this is the beginning of your life.
Riga to the cup of water, in moderation, because of the limited capacity of the cup.
Mingle when you want to savor slowly, water-ray, and the cup on the empty.
Belling the cat(系铃于猫)
Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.
One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.
At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had
a good idea.
"We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away."
Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.


1.Which woman?
One evening I drove my husband's car to the shopping mall.
On my return, I noticed that how dusty the outside of his car was and cleaned it up a bit.When I finally enter...


1.Which woman?
One evening I drove my husband's car to the shopping mall.
On my return, I noticed that how dusty the outside of his car was and cleaned it up a bit.When I finally entered the house, I called out."The woman who loves you the most in the world just cleaned your headlights and windshield."
My husband looked up and said, "Mom's here?"
Where Am I?

An Englishman lost his way while he was driving in the countryside.
He saw a farmer working in the field nearby, so he went nearer in his
car and asked the farmer, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"
"Yes, " the farmer looked at him strangely and said, "you are in your
car, sir."


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