请问这句英文有没有语法错误(雅思)口语题:Do you still stay in contact with your primary school friends?我的回答:Absolutely yes,we never forget about each other ,keeping contacting and gathering to hang out once a year.请

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:39:39

请问这句英文有没有语法错误(雅思)口语题:Do you still stay in contact with your primary school friends?我的回答:Absolutely yes,we never forget about each other ,keeping contacting and gathering to hang out once a year.请
口语题:Do you still stay in contact with your primary school friends?
我的回答:Absolutely yes,we never forget about each other ,keeping contacting and gathering to hang out once a year.

请问这句英文有没有语法错误(雅思)口语题:Do you still stay in contact with your primary school friends?我的回答:Absolutely yes,we never forget about each other ,keeping contacting and gathering to hang out once a year.请

we never forget about each other ,keeping contacting and gathering to hang out once a year.
前面是foget 一般现在式 后面成了keeping gathering ing式
You can say
we never forget about each other,still keep contacting and gather to hang out once a year.

keeping contact,

请问这句英文有没有语法错误(雅思)口语题:Do you still stay in contact with your primary school friends?我的回答:Absolutely yes,we never forget about each other ,keeping contacting and gathering to hang out once a year.请 请问这句英文口语有没有语法错误(雅思)Can you tell me about some recent changes in your hometown.我的回答:Well,i think the most obvious change is the increasing number of cars.With the rapid development of economy in my homet 请问这句英文是什么意思,有没有语法错误?(急)We have informed the officer handling the matter. 请问绍兴有没有学雅思口语的地方? 请问有没有语法错误? 请问有没有雅思口语多米诺(白金版)的PDF文档?Q邮:198746141 请问这篇作文有没有语法错误? 请问这句英文句子有没有语法错误If I know what is love,that because of you.有的话请改出多种正确的句式, fly on little wing,这句英文怎么翻译,是不是用翅膀飞?有没有语法错误? 看看这句英文有没有语法错误The world is change如果错了,请修正! 请问这句英文有没有语法错误.Cou you mind singing an English songs for me?有语法错误吗 应该怎么写.你介意为我唱首英文歌吗. 雅思口语连不成句我在练雅思口语的时候发现只能蹦词或者说简短的句子,请问有没有什么句型可以套用可以把句子说长 请问 哪里有雅思口语part2的卡片题现在的预测光给个题目,而卡片上的三个问题没有给,这怎么办? 郑州雅思口语4月16日雅思口语预测题,有没有,还有有没有什么考前口语速成班的!有没有朋友介绍下 雅思口语救生圈,没有真人陪练雅思口语,用口语救生圈有效果吗? 这句英文有没有语法错误he is excellent in his field and communication,familiars with retail process “I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.”这句英文有没有语法错误? 请问这句英文有没有什么语法错误呢?There is no wind,can’t show the essence of the sail; No twists and turns,will not be able to taste the pleasure of life.