英语翻译优势,我有技术和经验基础,并且5年来我一直从事的是技术支持工作,接受能力和适应能力强劣势,对烽火产品不熟悉,但是原理是相同的 相信自己可以很快上手,我的英语不好,没有国外

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:16:55

英语翻译优势,我有技术和经验基础,并且5年来我一直从事的是技术支持工作,接受能力和适应能力强劣势,对烽火产品不熟悉,但是原理是相同的 相信自己可以很快上手,我的英语不好,没有国外
劣势,对烽火产品不熟悉,但是原理是相同的 相信自己可以很快上手,我的英语不好,没有国外工作的经历,我想这是我最大的劣势.

英语翻译优势,我有技术和经验基础,并且5年来我一直从事的是技术支持工作,接受能力和适应能力强劣势,对烽火产品不熟悉,但是原理是相同的 相信自己可以很快上手,我的英语不好,没有国外
My advantage is that I am experienced and proficient in the work that I have enaged in for five years.Furthermore,I could accept and adapt new matters.However,I also have some disadvantages.I am not familiar with the products of spark.Even it is the case,these products work the same mechanism.Therefore,I maintain that I could deal with this problem.Thus,my most disadvantage is that I do not have foreign experience so that I am not good at English.Despite that,I will spare no effort to learn it well.

英语专业 一个字一个字手打的,my advantage is that i master techniques and have rich experience.what's more, i have been working on the field of technical support and i am receptive and adaptable.
my disadvantag...


英语专业 一个字一个字手打的,my advantage is that i master techniques and have rich experience.what's more, i have been working on the field of technical support and i am receptive and adaptable.
my disadvantage is that i am not familiar with the fenghuo products ,however, the principle is almost the same,so i think i could pick it up quickly. also, my english is not very good because of the lack of overseas woriking experience, so i think this is my biggest shortcoming.


ADVANTAGE:I have certain technology and basic experiment , and since 5 years ago I have worked on technology support , which improved my receptivity and my adaptability greatly....


ADVANTAGE:I have certain technology and basic experiment , and since 5 years ago I have worked on technology support , which improved my receptivity and my adaptability greatly.
DISADVANTAGE:I am not so familiar with the production of Fenghuo,but I believe that the principle isn't different from what I have worked on,so I have the confidence that I could get it understood soon.In addition, my English is poor and I haven't worked abroad. I supposed that these would be my obstacles.
楼上的翻译非常不错, 热心网友的写的很简单明了易懂,考托福的那个文采很好


英语翻译优势,我有技术和经验基础,并且5年来我一直从事的是技术支持工作,接受能力和适应能力强劣势,对烽火产品不熟悉,但是原理是相同的 相信自己可以很快上手,我的英语不好,没有国外 LDS创新技术LAP,优势特点在哪里?想了解下LDS技术和LAP有什么不一样?我做天线调试的,说的是激光直接成型技术和激光化学活化金属镀技术. 利用植物组织培养技术有什么优势? 激光加工技术的优势有哪些 全息影像技术有哪些优势? 干细胞再生技术有什么优势?能帮我具体介绍下吗? 英语翻译听闻您在组建一支运营队伍,对此我很感兴趣.我有国内类似经验,并且有本项目一年工作经验.期待您的联系. 免疫共沉淀和GST pull down技术各有何优势 英语翻译有在加工类似品,加工技术很充分/过去有加工经验,也有加工技术和能力/有加工技术/没有加工技术,需要对其进行指导;标准化加工条件和作业方法并确实实施/有标准化加工条件和作 英语翻译有经验优先 经验和知识基础哪个更重要 雅思口语基础,听说易格雅思的外教在口语和写作方面很有经验,我正好想提高这方面,有了解的吗- 初一和初二科学基础不好,初三需要怎样努力需要请家教吗?还是要多做题?谁有类似经历,分享一下经验,我感激不尽 如何提高英语口语,我没什么基础,如何提高英语口语,最好有自己的经验来说说 特高压交流输电的主要技术和经济优势 植物组织培养技术相对于传统繁殖方式有哪些优势? 在水处理技术中,反渗透技术有什么优势? 活细胞抗衰老技术有哪些优势