初中英语词性转换三 写一下每道题的答案和相关的语法和思路22.What’s the __(different) between British English and American Engliah?23.He was __(embarrass) when they kept telling him how clever he was.24.Liu Xiang and

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:39:00

初中英语词性转换三 写一下每道题的答案和相关的语法和思路22.What’s the __(different) between British English and American Engliah?23.He was __(embarrass) when they kept telling him how clever he was.24.Liu Xiang and
初中英语词性转换三 写一下每道题的答案和相关的语法和思路
22.What’s the __(different) between British English and American Engliah?
23.He was __(embarrass) when they kept telling him how clever he was.
24.Liu Xiang and Yang Liwei are __(hero) in different fields.
25.His father was very __(frustrate) because he was always late.
26.He made so much progress and his teacher was __(impress).
27.I am afraid to hurt their __(feel).
28.Our teacher gave me an __(education) book yesterday.
29.It’s __(fair) to make someone to do what he doesn’t like to do.
30.They think the best way tof learning English is studying grammer .But I feel __(different).
31.If you want to be a teacher ,you must be more __(confidence).
32.Do you think this kind of water is __(stafty) for drinking
33.Pandas are __(danger).We should try our best to protect them .

初中英语词性转换三 写一下每道题的答案和相关的语法和思路22.What’s the __(different) between British English and American Engliah?23.He was __(embarrass) when they kept telling him how clever he was.24.Liu Xiang and
22.difference --用what提问东西,一般用名词回答,所以用different的名词形式.
23.embarrassed --被动语态,动词用过去分词的形式.
24.heroes --名词单复数的变换.单词以字母o结尾,变成复数时要在词尾加es.
25.这题得看上下文,才能确定主动、被动关系.不然有两个答案.如果“because he was always late”里面的he指的是“His father”,那么就用frustrating,指他爸爸老迟到,是一个让人沮丧的人;如果不是,那么就是别人老迟到,让“His father”感到沮丧,这就是被动语态,得用动词的过去分词形式frustrated.
26.impressed --被动语态,动词用过去分词的形式.
27.feeling --their是形容词性物主代词,修饰后面的名词,所以用feel 的名词形式feeling.
28.个人认为education 或者educational 都可以 -- 名词和形容词都可以用来修饰后面的名词book.这两个答案,前者是名词“教育,教育学”,后者是形容词“有关教育的,有教育意义的”.多数人可能会选着后面的educational.
29.unfair --反义词.“fair”的意思是“公平的”,根据后半句的转折意思,判断要填“不公平”,所以在fair前面加前缀un就变成它的反义词.
30.differently --修饰动词应选择副词,不是形容词,所以应该选择形容词different的副词形式修饰前面的动词feel.
31.confident --从“you must be more__”判断这是主系表句型,缺表语,而且从more看出是比较级,因此选择confidence的形容词形式confident,而不是名词形式.
33.如果能填两个单词,就用“in danger” --短语“in danger”指“处于危险状态”,从后面的句子说的“要尽量保护他们”判断.如果只能填一个单词,那就想不到答案,帮不了你了.

22.difference 23.embarrassed 24.heroes 25.frustrated 26.impressed 27.feelings 29.unfair 30.different 31.confident 32. 33.endangered

22.difference 定冠词the修饰名
23.embarrassed 尴尬的,系动词was 之后用形容词。
24.heroes。Liu Xiang and Yang Liwei 是两个人,用名词复数,hero是以O结尾的有生命体,所以加es。
25。此句中was 之后用adj,frustrated 修饰人,frustrating修饰物,His father是人所...


22.difference 定冠词the修饰名
23.embarrassed 尴尬的,系动词was 之后用形容词。
24.heroes。Liu Xiang and Yang Liwei 是两个人,用名词复数,hero是以O结尾的有生命体,所以加es。
25。此句中was 之后用adj,frustrated 修饰人,frustrating修饰物,His father是人所以填frustrated
26.impressed 他取得了很大的进步,他的老师很感动,系动词后用形容词。
27. feelings 句意我怕伤了他们的感情,feeling当情感用时用复数形式
28. educational 形容词修饰后面名词book
29.unfair 让一个人做自己不喜欢的事儿是不公平的。
30.differently 我的感受不同于别人,用副词 不用形容词。
32. safety 安全的,你认为这种水可以放心的喝吗?
33.endangered 根据句意,大熊猫濒临灭绝,我们要尽力保护它们。


differnece (the 后用名词) embarrassed (修饰人的) heroes(有两个人,所以用复数) frustrated (修饰人的用ed 的形容词) impressed (修饰人的用ed 的形容词) feelings (在形容词性的物主代词后用名词)educational (用来修饰名词,表示有教育意义的) unfair (根据意思表示不公平)differently...


differnece (the 后用名词) embarrassed (修饰人的) heroes(有两个人,所以用复数) frustrated (修饰人的用ed 的形容词) impressed (修饰人的用ed 的形容词) feelings (在形容词性的物主代词后用名词)educational (用来修饰名词,表示有教育意义的) unfair (根据意思表示不公平)differently(感受不同,此时feel 为行为动词) confident ( be 动词后用形容词) staftied dangerous(用形容词做表语)
