英语翻译1.这所大学强调理论的重要性,那所大学强调自己动手的重要性.(use "while" to introduce information that is different from the main clause)2.她很生气,真想冲他吼,但还是决定让自己不要失控.(feel like

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:39:40

英语翻译1.这所大学强调理论的重要性,那所大学强调自己动手的重要性.(use "while" to introduce information that is different from the main clause)2.她很生气,真想冲他吼,但还是决定让自己不要失控.(feel like
1.这所大学强调理论的重要性,那所大学强调自己动手的重要性.(use "while" to introduce information that is different from the main clause)
2.她很生气,真想冲他吼,但还是决定让自己不要失控.(feel like doing)
3.政府要采取什么行动来控制目前的局势还很不明朗.(far from)
4.既然我们对彼此的了解更深了一层,我们相处起来就更融洽了.(now that)
5.他们有很多课堂活动,并且还要参加在线讨论.(in addition)
6.制定计划时,我们应考虑到工作中会出现一些意料不到的变故.(allow for)
7.这房子太旧了,所以我认为它不值那么高的价钱.(be worth)
8.周末我呆在家里,反思所发生的一切.(reflect on)
9.这些工人不仅收入很低,而且他们笨重和难做的工作不被人注意和察觉.(not only...but also)
10 居住在以英语为母语的家庭里是提高英语水平、认识另一种文化的理想途径.(an insight into)

英语翻译1.这所大学强调理论的重要性,那所大学强调自己动手的重要性.(use "while" to introduce information that is different from the main clause)2.她很生气,真想冲他吼,但还是决定让自己不要失控.(feel like
1.This university emphasizes the importance of theory,while that university values practice.
2.She was so angry that she felt like shouting at him,but she decided not to be out of control.
3.What kind of action will be taken to control the situation by the government is far from knowing.
4.Now that we know more about each other,we can get along with each other better.
5.They have a lot of activities during the class,in addition,they will take part in teleconferencing.
6.When making a plan,we should allow for some accidental changes during work.
7.The house is too old,so I don't think it worth such a high price
8.On weekend,I stayed at home and reflected on everything happened
9.These workers not only get low salary,but also their foolish and tough work is hard to be noticed by others.
10.Living in a native English-speaking family is a good way to improve English and an ideal insight into another culture.