
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 23:14:10


don't litter
don't talk in class
keep silent
no food
don't drink in class
don't shout
4.两操时有病有事必须向班主任或班长请假,没有请假做旷操处理,罚跑足球场5圈,并写500字犯错误认识书.( 此项由班长负责执行)
6.集会,升旗等活动的队列由班长负责整理,不按要求排队,迟到,中途早退,嘈话等违纪行为罚跑足球场两圈.( 此项由班长负责执行).
1.Late morning exercise (to stop a march later),for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice.(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).
2..school's facilities late ( Marche to stop whichever is the greater),for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice.(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).
3.Morning Exercises when running to maintain orderly,running seriously and queuing out irregularly students then run off twice,less halfway around the lazy students to run off three circles.(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).
4.2 parade sick to emergency class teacher or the squad leave,do not leave Kuang parade,run off five pitches circle write 500 words and understanding on mistakes.(from this squad is responsible for the implementation of)
5.no undue parade,run off five pitches circle write 500 words and understanding on mistakes.(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).
6.assembly,flag raising and other activities by the queue squad responsible for the collation and the request queue up late and leave early halfway.Quarrels then such discipline to run off pitches twice.(from the squad for this implementation).
7.PE must wear sports shoes,not wearing the required run off five pitches circle,and write 300 words on awareness.(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

谁能说出10条左右的英语班规?不用太复杂,5、6个单词就可以!快,就今天晚上,不然来不及了! 谁能说出10条左右的英语班规? 谁能给我提供国内最近的200条新闻?不用太复杂.讲明意思就行.最好一句话. 英语中'to do'的用法不用太复杂, 作文要写关于交流的,谁能给几个论证交流重要性的实例?家长与孩子之间的例子;英语作文,所以例子不用太复杂 辩论:美丽是不是快乐的源泉我是反方.语句不用太复杂,简单点就好,最好能写成英语 介绍VOA的英语短文我想要一片英语短文,介绍VOA的 不用太复杂,把VOA 大概介绍一下就好,3分钟左右的. 求一篇寒假期间的英语作文(带翻译)60词左右,不用太复杂,CTRL+V的就不用来了 求一篇英语作文,内容围绕“自己在空闲的时候怎么打发时间”来写,读出来要有3分钟左右.语句不用太复杂。 濒危动物中华鲟英语介绍不用太复杂,100个词左右就好.要表达出它的濒危境地~ 雨水的作用是什么?不用太复杂. 求一篇英语作文:穷爸爸和富爸爸的比较,每个爸爸写150~200左右就行,水平不用太高,单词不要太生僻,句式不要太复杂,但一定要原创,我急要, 英语日志,10篇.初中水平.急啊啊英语作文不用太学术啊、别太复杂。很普通的就好、各位英语帝 帮帮忙啊。 谁能说出10条有关天气气候的谚语 跪求相对论的英文简介 大概100词左右,词汇不用太复杂 可以的话最好别复制的 求英语作文“工作中交流的重要性”120个字 内容不用太复杂的 有哪些关于水和树的英语谚语啊?不用太复杂的 谁帮我写篇关于介绍科学家的英语小作文不用太复杂.复合句不用太多.复制粘贴的滚.