
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:21:01

美国的CED在1971 年公布了一个声明,提出“企业的职责要得到公众的认可,企业的基本目的就是积极地服务于社会的需要——到达社会的满意.”在市场经济体制下,企业的责任除了为股东追求利润外,也应该考虑受影响企业影响的各方的利益.它在获得社会资源行使生产能力的同时,也就承担了对利益相关者的社会责任.一个负责任的企业理应致力于实现利益相关者的利益最大化,而不仅仅是股东利润的最大化,这是企业对社会负起的责任之一.



Corporate social responsibility means enterprises are facing social responsibility approach embodied include paid and unpaid contribution to society made

Now a word frequently mentions that corporate social responsibility , whether businesses should take up their social responsibility ?

Companies should take up their social responsibility .

 There is a business , absolutely not just to make money for the only goal . In addition to its own profitability , companies should also serve the community, create a culture , provide employment opportunities , high-quality products and services at the lowest price to the consumer , which is the company's own highest mission . Enterprises to serve the community , for the benefit of mankind , lofty mission to change life as the core of their own culture , which is one of corporate responsibility to society to take .

 Proverb , " self, family , country and the world" in Chinese ancient books "university " in the . Ultimate destination is to become profitable enterprise nature of charitable organizations , so companies face is the first "self ." China has 1.3 billion people , as a big country there are still many difficulties, especially in rural areas is even more onerous difficulties . These responsibilities require the government to work of course , but it also requires companies share for the country , participate in helping the poor community. Corporate philanthropy to join the society , which is one of corporate responsibility to society to take .

 U.S. CED released a statement in 1971 , that " corporate responsibility to get public recognition , the basic purpose of business is to actively serve the needs of the community - . Reach satisfactory society." In a market economy, enterprises responsibility in addition to the pursuit of profit for its shareholders , but also should consider the interests of affected businesses affected parties . It is the same access to social resources exercise capacity , it assumed the stakeholders of social responsibility. A responsible business should be committed to maximizing stakeholder interests , rather than just maximizing shareholder profits , which is one of corporate responsibility to society to take .

Summary: corporate responsibility , including : social services, for the benefit of mankind , lofty mission to change life as the core of their culture , participate in social charity, to maximize stakeholder interests , which should take corporate social responsibility .


英语翻译企业对社会的责任,是指企业所面临的社会责任,体现的的方式包括对社会所做出的有偿与无偿贡献现在经常被提起的一个词语是企业对社会的责任,企业是否应该对社会的负起应有的 英语翻译摘 要责任会计是为企业的内部经营管理服务的,它对企业组织的结构或体制以及企业内所面临的市场环境具有依附性.企业本身及所面临的外部环境的变化,必将推动责任会计的发展, 关于企业社会责任企业社会责任是指企业在创造利润、对股东承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对员工、消费者、社区和环境的责任.企业的社会责任要求企业必须超越把利润作为唯一目标的传 企业的社会责任是什么? 企业的社会责任是什么 联系你所研究的企业,说明成功企业的企业使命与企业文化建设,企业哲学企业伦理,企业社会责任的关系· 社会责任是指企业在经营发展过程中应当履行的社会职责和义务.(A 对 B错 企业的社会责任是什么?为什么要承担企业责任? 英语翻译原文主要写企业社会责任的发展的 企业对消费者的社会责任核心是什么 企业对社会责任的正面事例和反面事例 英语翻译随着理论界对企业社会责任问题的关注,企业社会责任与企业绩效关系的研究逐渐成为热点.研究认为,一方面企业必须履行对各利益相关者的社会责任,另一方面,企业积极履行社会责 英语翻译本文主要借助规范分析法,首先对国内外关于企业社会责任会计的研究成果进行回顾和梳理.然后界定社会责任会计的相关概念,进一步阐述企业社会责任会计信息披露的重要性.随后 社会责任,是指企业在经营发展过程中应当履行的社会责任和义务,主要包括 简述企业社会责任的主要内容 企业的社会责任如题, 企业社会责任的原则是什么 企业社会责任有哪些