
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:43:43


The Christmas tree dazzling lights,that is I pray you safe life,Christmas Eve optimal Yang bells,that is my wish you happy life.
At Christmas,do you have in the head of a bed hangs up smelly socks oh,Santa Claus will give my best gift lost entering,merry Christmas!
Looking at present you,little more mature,once naive youth appearance,clean skin,slim,become strange and vicissitudes of life,I can't help exclamation:tadpoles finally became a toad merry Christmas

Bright lights on the Christmas tree, that is life, I pray you peace, the bells on Christmas Eve in the You Yang, that I wish you a happy life.
Christmas, you have no dirty socks in the bed hangs ...


Bright lights on the Christmas tree, that is life, I pray you peace, the bells on Christmas Eve in the You Yang, that I wish you a happy life.
Christmas, you have no dirty socks in the bed hangs Oh, Santa will throw me into the best gift, Merry Christmas!
Now look at you, less naive and more mature, once young face, smooth skin, slim body, are strange and vicissitudes of life, I can not help but sigh: at last into a toad tadpoles ^ _ ^ Merry Christmas


我写了一段文章求弄成英语翻译!圣诞树上耀眼的彩灯,那是我祈祷你平安一生,圣诞夜里优扬的钟声,那是我祝福你快乐一生.圣诞节到了,你有没有在床头挂起臭袜子哦,圣诞老公公会把我最好的 我买了一个圣诞树.电线怎么装在圣诞树上啊 关于圣诞联欢会的作文班里举行了圣诞联欢会,老师要我写一篇圣诞联欢会的作文. 英语翻译一句话:我提前了一些日子写给你,这样保证你在圣诞节前能收到我的信! 怎么写关于圣诞的文章?(法文) 英语翻译请问圣诞快乐怎么写?请问送给我最爱的朋友怎么写? 圣诞树上挂的什么? 为什么圣诞树上总有颗星星? 圣诞树上挂的什么? 圣诞树上能有什么 圣诞树上挂的什么? 圣诞树上有yux是什么意思? 英语翻译圣诞节准备送贺卡,写一段话“在这个寒冷的冬日与你相识是我的荣幸,你让我感觉很温暖,祝你圣诞快乐”,求大神翻译成英文,语句尽量正式、高级点, 圣诞愿望.大家都有自己的圣诞愿望、唯独我脑子一片空白.要求:1.500字左右2.题目是【美丽的圣诞愿望】3.主要写自己想要的圣诞愿望就可以了 英语翻译树上几乎没有了苹果, 我们公司发圣诞礼物了,怎么写片文章放在公司网站上用的 急求圣诞英语贺词!高手门帮我写一段关于圣诞节的祝贺.要英语的 标准点~给外国客户的 小生在此谢谢了! 谁知道圣诞的英语文章?越长越好!我不要圣诞的来历,英文还要译出中文!