英语翻译1 我到了瑞士之后是住在你和你父母的家里还是你和你朋友的公寓里2 我应该怎那么称呼你的父母3 瑞士的电压是多少 4 我想这会拉近我们间的距离

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 14:20:40

英语翻译1 我到了瑞士之后是住在你和你父母的家里还是你和你朋友的公寓里2 我应该怎那么称呼你的父母3 瑞士的电压是多少 4 我想这会拉近我们间的距离
1 我到了瑞士之后是住在你和你父母的家里还是你和你朋友的公寓里
2 我应该怎那么称呼你的父母
3 瑞士的电压是多少
4 我想这会拉近我们间的距离

英语翻译1 我到了瑞士之后是住在你和你父母的家里还是你和你朋友的公寓里2 我应该怎那么称呼你的父母3 瑞士的电压是多少 4 我想这会拉近我们间的距离
1 Where will I live after reaching Switzerland ,in you and your parent's house or you and your friend's apartment?
2 What should I call your parents?
3 What is the voltage in Switzerland?
4 I think this will shorten the distance between us

1 I went to Switzerland after living in your home with your parents or you and your friend's apartment
2 How then should I call your parents
3 What is the voltage in Switzerland
4 I think this will narrow the distance between us

1 I came Switzerland is living in the home and your parents or you and your friend's apartment
2 I should how so call your parents
3 what is the voltage in Switzerland
4 I think it will close the distance between us

1.I went to Switzerland after Living in your home with your parents or you and your friend's apartment .
2.How then should I call your parents?
3.What is the voltage in Switzerland?
4.I think this will narrow the distance between us .