开心寒假六年级上册(宁德篇),很多,第一页:找茬(请圈出拼写错误的词)1.moning today evening night2.door sofa cheir desk3.sorry mather friend teacher4.jeep thank home thay5.many time pencle daer第五页:单词变变

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:23:55

开心寒假六年级上册(宁德篇),很多,第一页:找茬(请圈出拼写错误的词)1.moning today evening night2.door sofa cheir desk3.sorry mather friend teacher4.jeep thank home thay5.many time pencle daer第五页:单词变变
1.moning today evening night
2.door sofa cheir desk
3.sorry mather friend teacher
4.jeep thank home thay
5.many time pencle daer
are( )
go ( )
eat( )
watch( )
big( )( )
fat( )( )
short( )( )
heavy( )( )
()She weighe 45 kilogyams.
()How tall is she?
()Thanks,Miss Liu.
()She is 150 centimet tall.
()Hi,Miss liu.How much does Jane weigh?
1.It was Sunday today/yesterday.
2.MY dog is oider/old than her dog.
3.Last week Bob run/ran in the race.
4.The boy didn't go/went to the libeaty.
5.Tgey wes/were ar school yesterday.
6.Do you like swim/swimming?
第二十七页:选择what,where,when,who,how olo 填空完成对话
1.A:( ) is your birthday?
B:It' s January 12 th.
2.A:( ) is Mocky?
B:He is four years old.
3.A:( ) won the race?
B:Peter won.
4.A:( ) are they from?
B:They are rom China.
5.A:( ) did you do?
B:I cleaned the house.
The New Year' s Day is on December 25th
Children's Day is on Seotemder 10th
Women'Day is on January 1st
Christmas Day is on March 8th
Teachers' Day is on June 1st
好累!( ⊙o⊙ 还有.我英语得补习了.伤心ing.
Last Sunday Anna ( )up early.She( )hungry.She( )twoeggs and( )some juice.Then she( )her grandma.In the aftrternoon,she( )shopping with her friends.In the evening,she( )a movie with herparents.Last Sunday she( )lots of fun.
1.than/Peter is/John/taller—_____________________________
2.go tu/Ken/school/didn't—_____________________________
3.his uncle/yesterdany/visited/Tommy—_________________________
4.last night/had/Ann/a dream—___________________________
5.fun/they/in/the museum/had—__________________________

开心寒假六年级上册(宁德篇),很多,第一页:找茬(请圈出拼写错误的词)1.moning today evening night2.door sofa cheir desk3.sorry mather friend teacher4.jeep thank home thay5.many time pencle daer第五页:单词变变

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