求托福口语答案,第2题 1.看电视是浪费时间么?2.你做事是喜欢刚开始就开始准备还是等到due day才准备?3.有人喜欢 plan for the future ,有人喜欢活在当下,你喜欢那种?为什么?4.每天听新闻看新闻,还

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:15:49

求托福口语答案,第2题 1.看电视是浪费时间么?2.你做事是喜欢刚开始就开始准备还是等到due day才准备?3.有人喜欢 plan for the future ,有人喜欢活在当下,你喜欢那种?为什么?4.每天听新闻看新闻,还
求托福口语答案,第2题 1.看电视是浪费时间么?
2.你做事是喜欢刚开始就开始准备还是等到due day才准备?
3.有人喜欢 plan for the future ,有人喜欢活在当下,你喜欢那种?为什么?
5.Do you prefer to face challage yourself or depend on others' help?
6.artistd and muisicians are useful nowadays?

求托福口语答案,第2题 1.看电视是浪费时间么?2.你做事是喜欢刚开始就开始准备还是等到due day才准备?3.有人喜欢 plan for the future ,有人喜欢活在当下,你喜欢那种?为什么?4.每天听新闻看新闻,还
写key points 好了:
(一),不同意.1,通过电视可以看当下新闻(from the news broadcasting in the television,we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it.)
2,通过电视你可以看电影听音乐a good way to relax yourself after a whole day's work
3,一家人唯一在一起的机会就是看电视所以你喜欢通过看电视增进感情 = =
1,显然,提前准备会有更多时间,质量更高(if i have more time to prepare for my project I can have a long-term plan for that and by following the plan i could do a better job)
2,有问题可以尽快解决(once i have a question or problem i can solve it right away by asking my teacher or search on the internet,but if i do it before the due day,i may not have the time to do so)
3,pressure小.(i prefer a relax mood for me to finish my perroject,if there’s only few days for me to finish my project,我感到鸭梨很大 完成不好)
1,把眼前的工作做好,才会确保未来(的计划可以被完成),planning is meaningless without actual hardworking.
2,将来的事情总会有变数,我们应该根据目前的状况先走一步看一步 adjust our goal and plan for everyday.
3.Yeterday is history,tomorrow is mystery,today is Only Today is a GIFT,So that's why we call it the PRESENT,SO DON'T LOST!
可以加个例子,说我以前经常做很多打算,但是没有珍惜当下的时间的机会,since I seldom care about the current time,I always have the fantasy for future,in the end I could not achieve my goal,so I think the best way for me is value TODAY.
1,我每天都听CBC NEWS about half an hour,每天听才能提高英语听力,no pains no gains 囧
2,每天听新闻keep track on the world and know exactly what the world happened today.感觉自己和世界紧密联系
3,现在事态变动很快,比如八卦 gossip news,我同学每天都讨论新的,I don’t want to be out of date so I keep reading the news everyday and update my information
(五)额…喜欢challenge myslfe
1,独立完成任务可以锻炼自己能力,since I have to solve all kinds of question by myself that kind of force me to be knowledgeable and rely only by myself
2不会麻烦别人 if I ask all kinds of question others have to take time so solve mine onw problem but my friends are ofent busy and I think it is selfish to consume other’s time
1.特别在现在物质为基础为目标的社会,everyone is becoming a materialism.,音乐和艺术can get closer to our soul and purify our minds.
2.还是鸭梨的问题,现在大家pressure太大,from work,family or school.Everyone is suffering great pressure from their daily life,if we can sit down listen to some beautiful music or view a great are work,we can escape the pressure and immerge to the world of music and art.
3.不同地区有不同文化的艺术,globalize这么普遍的今天我们更应该了解各种文化和世界融为一体,like rock,pop music,rap,中国古筝二胡啊之类的
3,我记性不好,所以记笔记是非常必要的 or I will forget the knowledge I just learn before and through writing all my teacher’s note,I can memorize them better.
好记性不如烂笔头= = The palest ink is better than the best memory
我下个月考托福,来积累人品= 希望我说的够详细啦


求托福口语答案,第2题 1.看电视是浪费时间么?2.你做事是喜欢刚开始就开始准备还是等到due day才准备?3.有人喜欢 plan for the future ,有人喜欢活在当下,你喜欢那种?为什么?4.每天听新闻看新闻,还 托福口语第1 2 题怎么准备?托福口语第1 2 题怎么准备? 新托福口语第2题想不到例子,请大家帮忙提供!...1.dress show是否体现personality?2.你是否同意:父母是孩子最好的老师?. 求托福TPO1~24的口语第3~6题的听力文本, 求托福TPO1~24的口语第3~6题的听力文本, 求托福口语黄金80题 软件! 托福口语第四题求解答!麻烦把这答题写成口语回答的答案.这个是机经里面的.写成托福要求的那种模式.写成后追分! 求一道托福口语题什么东西进步是你觉得你国家在过去20年里最重要的?、如果直接给出答案 跪求2012.7.22 小马托福机经,最好是口语,写作带答案的,王京竹的也行! 托福口语考了四次都是3,5fair,其他四题limited,托福口语一直都只有18分左右学校要求的直录分数是口语23+,准备考5,12的托福,求给建议! 我托福总分107口语19,需要复议吗?我申请2012年秋季的美国本科,10月23号第一次考的托福,分数是30+29+19+29=107,口语3个FAIR.当时口语中了机经(我只看了1,2题),所以独立口语觉得说的不错,第3,5题 求 托福口语真经 音频 求托福口语连接词!牛人来! 托福口语题库去哪里下?求托福口语题库! 托福口语题库去哪里下?求托福口语题库! 托福口语答案和老托福听力答案谁有? 求7.20今天托福的口语1,2题以及独立写作 越快越好 求一道托福口语第三题的思路