我实在是没分啦,还是希望有好心人来帮我…………Look at this group of students ________ (play) games.That sound ________ (well).This bowl of soup tastes _________ (teeribly).I'm surprised ________(hear) the news.Listen!The children

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 20:49:24

我实在是没分啦,还是希望有好心人来帮我…………Look at this group of students ________ (play) games.That sound ________ (well).This bowl of soup tastes _________ (teeribly).I'm surprised ________(hear) the news.Listen!The children
Look at this group of students ________ (play) games.
That sound ________ (well).
This bowl of soup tastes _________ (teeribly).
I'm surprised ________(hear) the news.
Listen!The children ______(sing) an English song over there.
Look!The girl ______(play) tennis on the playground.
What _____you ______(do) when your mother comes home.
—______the boy ______(put) on his coat?—Yes,he is.
Now they _____ (make) some cakes in the kitchen.
—What are your parents doing?
—They ______ (work) on the farm.
玩电子游戏________ 打篮球________ 感谢做某事________
看电视_________ 挺不错_________ 度假__________
玩沙滩排球__________ 看起来酷_________ 读书________ 听起来糟糕_______
There are ______ ______ here_______ ______ .
We are in Paris,It's _________ beautiful,_______day.
What are you _______ when it's _______?I am _______ a ______ .
In the park,________ are ________ songs,_______ are ______ bikes.
I am ______ they can play soccer ______ ______ ______ .

我实在是没分啦,还是希望有好心人来帮我…………Look at this group of students ________ (play) games.That sound ________ (well).This bowl of soup tastes _________ (teeribly).I'm surprised ________(hear) the news.Listen!The children
are playing
to hear
are singing
is playing
are doing
Is putting
are making
are working
翻译:playing electrical game playing basketball thanks for doing sth.
watching TV great on holiday
playing beach volleyball looks cool reading book sounds terrible
填空:many people on holiday
a sunny
doing raining reading book
some singing some riding
surprised in hot day

我实在是没分啦,还是希望有好心人来帮我…………Look at this group of students ________ (play) games.That sound ________ (well).This bowl of soup tastes _________ (teeribly).I'm surprised ________(hear) the news.Listen!The children 有没有好心人帮我分析一下“我希望你理解我的苦衷”是单句还是复句啊? 希望有数学天才来帮我. 要写作文.倒霉.快,我希望有位好心人能帮我:童年趣事.快 2011年7月到2013年7月有多少天我没有悬赏分了 不过还是希望有好心人能帮我一下 陶渊明谈读书 用双竖线将短文分成三段,并写出各段的小标题 希望有好心人来帮我 找个能英语聊天的网友本人因为工作需要,希望能有好心人能帮我 有哪位好心人帮我解答数学题? 谁可以帮我补以下高中数学?希望好心人帮帮忙! 这首歌的名字 希望好心人能帮我说出歌名 小学课本里面有篇文章,是一个成语...我记不清楚到底 是拔苗助长还是揠苗助长,那为好心人来帮我下啊!谢 0.24立方分米等于几升等于几毫升 没分了,希望有好心人帮我 急用,那位好心人帮我翻译一哈啊 我希望我看到的你就是你 好心人帮我一下啊! 求一个用Labview做的温度检测系统的程序24846传感器用Pt100能用的最好了,可能有点难,我实在被难住了,试试运气,希望有好心人…分都给了 有哪位好心人可以帮我分析一下电路 哪位好心人帮我看下,有没有问题? 有哪位好心人帮我做做这道数学题