这句话表述有错误么?Chinese characters communicate that different people have different attitude toward the same thing.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 07:09:33

这句话表述有错误么?Chinese characters communicate that different people have different attitude toward the same thing.
Chinese characters communicate that different people have different attitude toward the same thing.

这句话表述有错误么?Chinese characters communicate that different people have different attitude toward the same thing.




这句话表述有错误么?Chinese characters communicate that different people have different attitude toward the same thing. which subject do you like best English or chinese 这句话有错误么如果有,请改正,并讲解 关于反比例函数,若自变量X扩大K倍,函数Y反而缩小K倍如题 这句话有什么错误 是表述错误还是本身是错误的 if it is a good idea to keep pet dogs.请问这句话表述有错误吗 certain food contain certain type of nutrient 纠错大家找找有什么错误,这句话怎样表述好? chinese is very more difficult than english这句话有错误吗 My favorite subjects are math,science and Chinese.这句话有错误吗 Amy studys Chinese in Beijing.这句话有一个错误在哪里? 这句话有错误吗,有错误请改一下 Also,I will share some Chinese cultures with them just like Chinese food,Chinese characters,Chinese literature and so on Then,I need translators to translate this book from English to Chinese.这句话有错误吗? I can't help saying:Thank you too much!这句话表述有没有错误?还有一般用英语表达“正如某某所说”“就像什么什么所显示的”之类的话应该怎么表述? 这句话有没有错误, 这句话有什么错误 more and more foreigen students come to china to learn the chinese 请问这句话在语法上有什么错误码? 请问more and more foreigen students come to china to learn the chinese 这句话在语法上有什么错误码? 这句话冠词和单复数有错误吗?The material life and spiritual life of Chinese citizens get great improvements. He is a Chinese teacher. 这句话是否正确,如果错误就改正 Is Miss Huang a Chinese?这句话有一句错误,请改正并说明原因