英语翻译Long ago,a King went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present form him.They anxiously waited for the King.After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.Everybody in the cro

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:38:29

英语翻译Long ago,a King went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present form him.They anxiously waited for the King.After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.Everybody in the cro
Long ago,a King went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present form him.They anxiously waited for the King.After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.
Everybody in the crowd pushed to see their King.A begger also came forward with his bowl.There was lots of rice in it.
"My bowl,my bowl!Give me something to eat,"cried the beggar.The King looked at him with compassion.Then he said,"Give me something first."
The beggar felt angry.He threw a grain of rice at the King.The King also threw something in the beggar's bowl and rode away.The beggar looked at it carefully.It was a piece of gold as big as a grain of rice.
"I am a fool,"cried the beggar."Why didn't I give him all my rice?"
What do you learn form the story?
A man wants to visit a friend.His friend's house is quiet far away,so he takes some sandwiches with him for lunch.As he walks on,he says to himself,"My friend will give me a very nice meal.He will give me good wine to drink and good food to eat.So what's the uses of these dry sandwiches?"Then he throws them on the road.
He goes on and comes to a river.The river is very big because of the rain in the oast two days.He can't cross the river.He wants to wait for a boat.He waits and waits,but no boat comes.Soon the sun goes down.The man says to himself,"I can't get to my friend's house today.I must go home."Then he begins to go home.Soon he is hungry.He wants something to eat.But he doesn't have anything.Suddenly he sees some dry,hard sandwiches on the road.He is happy and eats them all.
What can you learn form the story?

英语翻译Long ago,a King went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present form him.They anxiously waited for the King.After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.Everybody in the cro
Long ago,a king went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present frpm him.They anxiously waited for the King.
After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.
Everybody in the crowd pushed forward to see their King.A beggar also came forward with his bowl.There was lots of rice in it.
'My bowl,my bowl!Give me something to eat,'crieed the beggar.The King looked at him compassion.Then he said,'Give me something first.'
The beggar felt angry.He threw a grain of rice at the King.The King also threw something in the beggar's bowl and rode away.The beggar looked at it carefully.It was a piece of gold as big as a grain of rice.
'I am a fool,'cried the beggar.'Why didn't I give him all my rice?'

Long long ago there__a king.A is.B lived.C had.D lay为什么选lived long long ago,there_____an old king and a beautiful bird 的答案是什么 Long long time ago,there were a n old king 这句话哪里有错 Long,long ago there lived a king.he was very old and he had no children.So he.怎么翻译 A long time ago 有一个英语语法问题.提问一下详情看问题补充.Long time ago,there is a king.这一句语法有没有错?我用在线翻译是没错的,不过答案是:Long time ago,there was a king. 英语翻译Long ago,a King went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present form him.They anxiously waited for the King.After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.Everybody in the cro 英语翻译Long ago,a King went out to meet his people during a festival.Many poor people stood along the road.They hoped to get present form him.They anxiously waited for the King.After some time,the King arrived on an elephant.Everybody in the cro 阅读理解Long long ago ,a king had a big rockLong,long ago,a king had a big rock placed in the middle of a very busy road.Then he hid nearby to see if anyone would move the rock out of the way to make it convenient for others.Some of the king’s 英语翻译A long time ago,In a beautiful kingdom,there lived a young king and queen,the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl,her name was Snow White,She was a beautiful princess.Year passed,the king got married aga Long long ago there lived a king.He was not an artist and didn’t draw 1 ,but he li完形填空答案 Long long ago,there was king ___ was very ill .All the doctors looksd him over,but hegot___instead of better.At last they called in a doctor from___country. 请给我开头是Long long ago,there was a king __ was ill.这个句子的完形填空文章! 英语翻译1,A long time ago,there was a king in India.2,The king promised the old man,You can have any prize if you win the game. 3,Is that all?4,Wouldn't you like gold or silver instesd?5,Now computers are becoming smaller and becoming smalller A long long time ago 歌词 请问a long long ago是什么意思? A Long Time Ago 歌词 Long ago ,England was ruled by a rude king named John.这是一个阅读的第一句话OK?我要整个答案