
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 07:19:14


Doctor--You look pale.What's wrong with you,boy?
Tom--I don't know,doctor.I have a headache.Sometimes I feel a little hot and sometimes I feel a little cold.
Doctor--Hm,let me give you a check up.Open your mouth and say"Ah"
Doctor--And have your temperature taken.
Doctor--I see.Don't worry,boy,you just have a bad cold.Take these medicine three times a day and stay in bed for two or three days.
Tom--Is there any food that I can't eat now?
Doctor--Yes.Anything cold and hot(辣的)
Tom--I see.Thank you doctor and good-bye.

The new strain of Influenza A/H1N1 continued to spread around the world on Sunday as the disease has been confirmed in more than 4,150 people in 29 countries. Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their fir...


The new strain of Influenza A/H1N1 continued to spread around the world on Sunday as the disease has been confirmed in more than 4,150 people in 29 countries. Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first fatality case on Saturday, bringing to four the number of countries which have reported confirmed human death cases. In Costa Rica, a 53-year-old man became the first fatal victim of the A/H1N1 flu. In the Canadian province of Alberta, local health authorities said the A/H1N1 strain caused the death of a woman in her 30s who died late April. But health officials noted that both victims and the two deaths in the U.S. were suffering from other health problems when they were infected with the disease. In Tokyo, a high school teacher and two teenage students tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from a school trip to Canada. Japanese health authorities have been tracking passengers who arrived on the same plane while Health and Welfare Minister Yoichi Masuzoe acknowledged it would be difficult to trace all those who came into contact with the three infected. Australia's Queensland health authorities said Saturday that an Australian woman arriving in Brisbane from Los Angeles tested "weak positive" for the H1N1 virus, becoming the country's first case. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said the woman first noticed her symptoms while traveling in the U.S., but she had already recovered. Also on Saturday, New Zealand, the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to confirm A/H1N1 flu cases, reported two more on Saturday for a total of seven. U.S. Health officials warned that the virus has moved into the southern hemisphere, where influenza season is just beginning, and could mix with circulating seasonal flu viruses or the H5N1 avian influenza virus to create new strains. 可以吗?


1: How to Fight Against H1N1H1N1 is a worldwide disease. Its symptom is very similar of having a cold. Headache, fever, and dizzy and sore throat are symptoms of H1N1, once you got these signs, you m...


1: How to Fight Against H1N1H1N1 is a worldwide disease. Its symptom is very similar of having a cold. Headache, fever, and dizzy and sore throat are symptoms of H1N1, once you got these signs, you must go to the hospital immediately. To avoid of getting H1N1, try not going to public place which has a lot of people. Wash your hands often, and try to do exercise at least one hour a day. Also, always open the windows and let the air circulate well. Don’t think that this is annoying, preventing is very important. H1N1 是一个在全球的疾病. 它的症状就像感冒一样. 头痛,发烧, 头晕, 和喉咙痛 都是H1N1的症状. 一旦你有这些症状, 你一定要马上去医院. 预防染上H1N1, 尽量不要去公众地方which有很多人的. 常常洗手, 和尝试每天做最小一个小时的运动. 也要把窗户打开,让空气流通. 不要以为做这些都是麻烦的, 预防是很重要的.
2:The new strain of Influenza A/H1N1 continued to spread around the world on Sunday as the disease has been confirmed in more than 4,150 people in 29 countries. Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first fatality case on Saturday, bringing to four the number of countries which have reported confirmed human death cases. In Costa Rica, a 53-year-old man became the first fatal victim of the A/H1N1 flu. In the Canadian province of Alberta, local health authorities said the A/H1N1 strain caused the death of a woman in her 30s who died late April. But health officials noted that both victims and the two deaths in the U.S. were suffering from other health problems when they were infected with the disease. In Tokyo, a high school teacher and two teenage students tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from a school trip to Canada. Japanese health authorities have been tracking passengers who arrived on the same plane while Health and Welfare Minister Yoichi Masuzoe acknowledged it would be difficult to trace all those who came into contact with the three infected. Australia's Queensland health authorities said Saturday that an Australian woman arriving in Brisbane from Los Angeles tested "weak positive" for the H1N1 virus, becoming the country's first case. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said the woman first noticed her symptoms while traveling in the U.S., but she had already recovered. Also on Saturday, New Zealand, the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to confirm A/H1N1 flu cases, reported two more on Saturday for a total of seven. U.S. Health officials warned that the virus has moved into the southern hemisphere, where influenza season is just beginning, and could mix with circulating seasonal flu viruses or the H5N1 avian influenza virus to create new strains.


The new strain of Influenza A/H1N1 continued to spread around the world on Sunday as the disease has been confirmed in more than 4,150 people in 29 countries. Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their fir...


The new strain of Influenza A/H1N1 continued to spread around the world on Sunday as the disease has been confirmed in more than 4,150 people in 29 countries. Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first fatality case on Saturday, bringing to four the number of countries which have reported confirmed human death cases. In Costa Rica, a 53-year-old man became the first fatal victim of the A/H1N1 flu. In the Canadian province of Alberta, local health authorities said the A/H1N1 strain caused the death of a woman in her 30s who died late April. But health officials noted that both victims and the two deaths in the U.S. were suffering from other health problems when they were infected with the disease. In Tokyo, a high school teacher and two teenage students tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from a school trip to Canada. Japanese health authorities have been tracking passengers who arrived on the same plane while Health and Welfare Minister Yoichi Masuzoe acknowledged it would be difficult to trace all those who came into contact with the three infected. Australia's Queensland health authorities said Saturday that an Australian woman arriving in Brisbane from Los Angeles tested "weak positive" for the H1N1 virus, becoming the country's first case. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said the woman first noticed her symptoms while traveling in the U.S., but she had already recovered. Also on Saturday, New Zealand, the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to confirm A/H1N1 flu cases, reported two more on Saturday for a total of seven.
