
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:49:53


The railroad in China has already had the history for more than 100 years up to the present:Wu2 Song's railroad of a business railroad-Shanghai from it-1876 be open to traffic it hour calculate,is 123 years;From it from a railroad-Tang Xu railroad do-1881 be open to traffic it hour calculate,also had 118 years.
  For more than 100 years,the railroad business of China experienced new two old root property dissimilarity of society.Regardless join the government to cure top still from economy up,this all come to a decision it in it the development the process inevitable will fall among two kinds of different of destiny and prospect.
  The railroad business of old China,though the industry of unprecedented in history,but take a property of have the semi-feudal semi-colony.It of construction,development and management drive all control in the imperialism,the feudalism doctrine and bureaucrat capitalism of the hand,it development it slow-moving and management of miserably thin,from don't need to be talk.New China of railroad business although with old China of railroad equipments is its material foundation,because of at communist and people government leadership bottom,consistent persistence renew through own efforts,hard struggle,industry and thrift the policy for found a nation,70's empress period again carry through a policy that carry out reform's open,not only quick but to the last man change the semi-feudal semi-colony of the old railroad property,and obtain unprecedented of brilliancy achievement.
  Certainly,the railroad business of new China be not Bon voyage either in it as long as 50 yearsly of the development the process.It experience from small arrive big,from little arrive many with from weak become strongly and gradually enter process,at it go forward of road top don't lack flat and frustrated,exultant with regret deeply,experience and teach,victory and failure.
  This 50 years is China the railroad exert and strive without stop,firm and unyielding,cover with Jing to cut Ji,front leave for succeed of 50 year,this 50 years again from have it the turns and twists of variety and development.20 century 70's end and the beginning of 80's,China the railroad get into reform to open new period.At new of route with new of policy,policy under the guide line,the railroad business put forth new ideas and advance by leaps and bounds.

英语翻译中国铁路迄今已有100多年的历史:从其第一条营业铁路——上海吴淞铁路——1876年通车之时算起,是123年;从其自办的第一条铁路——唐胥铁路——1881年通车之时算起,也有118年了. 迄今已有两千多年,依然泽惠于成都平原的著名水利工程是什么? 英语翻译昆曲(Kunqu)是中国传统戏剧中最古老的剧种之一.它产生于明朝(the Ming Dynasty)初期,盛行于明清,迄今已有六百多年的历史.我国很多传统剧种,包括京剧,都是在昆曲的基础上发展起来 英语翻译形意拳是我国著名四大拳种之一,起源于明末,盛行于晚清,迄今已有三百多年的历史,是以锻炼内在的精、气、神、意、劲为宗旨的拳术.本拳术为山西永济人姬际可所创,原称《意拳》, 修改下面句子的语病 新疆独山子是中国石油工业发祥地之一,迄今已有百年石油加工与开采历史新疆独山子是中国石油工业发祥地之一,迄今已有百年石油加工与开采历史 这句话里 篮球运动有一百多年的历史 英语翻译 中国已经有5000多年的历史了,英语怎么说 中国铁路的发展历史 用简洁的语言概括下列这段话的内容.昆剧,亦称昆曲,产生于明代嘉靖,隆庆年间的江苏昆山,迄今已有上百多年历史.明清之际,它成为全国最大剧种,主宰剧坛二百余年.我国现存历史较长的地方 现有的敦煌城迄今有多少年历史了? 历史题纵观中国60多年的历史你有什么感悟 英语翻译我国的注册会计师行业建立于1980年,迄今只有短短的20几年,而美国的注册会计师行业发展已有120多年,美国注册会计师行业可谓是走在世界的前列,其各方面都具有代表性.为此,本文通 中国已她悠久的历史而闻名.英语翻译 中国铁路的发展历史?9 英语翻译当前动物保护已成为全世界的话题,现全世界已有100多个国家出台了有关不虐待动物,保护动物福利的法律.在国外有关动物保护的历史已有200多年,禁止猎杀动物已成为文明社会的共识 英语翻译2000多年的历史翻译 汉译英:100多年的历史 有100多年历史的伤寒杂病论能卖多少钱啊