
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:19:05


时间状语从句就是先行词是一个时间副词 表示某个动作发生的时间 或者在某个时间是某种状态 在句子中充当的成分相当于状语 在虚拟语气中也会用到

时间状语从句表示一个动作或状态是在何时发生的,对应问题 “When?” 这种从句常由下列从属词来引导:after(在……之后)、as(在……的时候)、before(在……之前)、once(一旦)、since(自从)、till(直到……为止)、until(=till)、when(当……的时候)、whenever(每当,无论何时)、while(在……的时候/期间),或短语连词 as soon as(一...


时间状语从句表示一个动作或状态是在何时发生的,对应问题 “When?” 这种从句常由下列从属词来引导:after(在……之后)、as(在……的时候)、before(在……之前)、once(一旦)、since(自从)、till(直到……为止)、until(=till)、when(当……的时候)、whenever(每当,无论何时)、while(在……的时候/期间),或短语连词 as soon as(一……就……)、every time(=whenever)、immediately(=as soon as)、directly(=as soon as)、the moment(=as soon as),等等。
When you perform the experiment tomorrow, you will find that all burning is oxidation.
*When you will perform....
It will be a long time before we meet again.
*It will be a long time before we will meet again.
当 since 引导表示时间的从句(或短语)时,主句中的动词一般要用完成形式。例如:
I haven’t seen him since we left.
*I didn’t see him since we left.
只有在“It is/was...since...”这种谈论时间的句子里,主句中才可用一般式:
It’s five years since he joined the army (= He has been in the army for five years.).
当 after 和 when 等涉及到过去发生的事件时间上的先后时,从句中动词可以用过去完成式,也可以用一般过去式。例如:
When/After he returned from work, his wife cooked dinner.
有 till 或 until 出现的句子,常有“从句中所表示的动作或状态的时间一到,主句中所表示的(肯定或否定)动作或状态就结束”之涵义。所以,肯定句(——延续的动作或状态)常可译作“(主句中的动作或状态)直到……时为止”;否定句(——非延续的动作或状态)在意义上是“不到……时(主句中的否定的动作或状态)不止”,实际上是“(主句中的动作或状态)到……时开始”,即“直到……时才……”的意思。例如:
He stayed up until his father returned from work last night.
He didn’t go to bed until his father returned from work last night.
Wait till I come back (= Don’t go away till...).
在以 Not until 开头的句子里,主句中的动词要倒装:
Not until I came here did I know her (=I did not know her until...).
Not until he had finished his work did he go home. (=He did not go home until...)
Before 有时也有“到……时才……”的意思,但只有时间上的先后的意义,没有否定主句的涵义。例如:
He looked at Xiao Wang for a moment before he understood.
It will be a long time before we meet again.
另外,before 还有“还没来得及……,就……”或“趁还没有……,就……”的意思。例如:
The boy fell asleep before I could take off his clothes.
I must put it down before I forget it.
在表示过去发生的两个连贯动作时,有一种特殊结构。这种句子由“hardly/scarcely, etc....when”、“no sooner...than”等构成,意为:“刚……,就……”。例如:
She had hardly entered the room when the phone rang.
He had scarcely sat down when he heard some one knock at the door.
I had no sooner left my house than it began to rain.
当 no sooner、hardly、scarcely 等位于句首时,主句中的动词需要倒装:
No sooner had I left my house than it began to rain.
Hardly had we reached the station when the train started
